pg. 185
On the 16th of April, 1861, four days following the
assault on Fort Sumter, Gov. Samuel J.
Kirkwood, of Iowa , received the following
telegram from Simon Cameron, secretary of
"Call made on you by tonight's mail for one
regiment of militia for immediate service."
That very day the governor proclaimed to the people of
Iowa that the nation was imperilled and invoked
the aid of every loyal citizen in the state.
The telegram above alluded to was received at
Davenport. The governor was then residing
at Iowa City but there was no telegraphic
communication in those days between the two
It was important that the dispatch should reach the
eyes of the governor at once, and General
Vandever, then a civilian, volunteered to
take the message to Iowa City. The
governor was found on his farm outside the city
by the self-appointed messenger, dressed in
homespun and working in the field. Reading
the dispatch, Governor Kirkwood expressed
extreme surprise and exclaimed: "Why, the
President wants a whole regiment of men?
Do you suppose I can raise so many as that,
Mr. Vandever?" When ten Iowa regiments
were offered a few days later the question was
"Whether in the promptitude of her responses to
the calls made on her by the general government,
in the courage and constancy of her soldiery in
the field,” said Col. A. P. Wood, of
Dubuque, upon one occasion, “or in the wisdom
and efficiency with which her civil adminstration
was conducted during the trying period covered
by the War of the Rebellion, Iowa proved herself
the peer of any loyal state. The
proclamation of her governor, Samuel J.
Kirkwood, responsive to that of the
President calling for volunteers to compose her
first regiment, was issued on the fourth day
after the fall of Sumter. At the end of
only a single week men enough were reported to
be in quarters (mostly in the vicinity of their
own homes) to fill the regiment. These,
however, were hardly more than a tithe of the
number who had been offered by company
commanders for acceptance under the President's
call. So urgent were these offers that the
governor requested on the 24th of April
permission to organize an additional regiment.
While awaiting the answer to this request he
conditionally accepted a sufficient number of
companies to compose two additional regiments.
In a short time he was notified that both of
these would be accepted. Soon after the
completion of the second and third regiments,
which was near the close of May, the adjutant
general of the
Page 186 -
state reported that upward of one hundred and
seventy companies had been tendered to the
governor to serve against the enemies of the
"Much difficulty and considerable delay occurred in
fitting these regiments for the field. For
the First Infantry a complete outfit - not
uniform - of clothing was extemporized,
principally by the volunteered labor of loyal
women in the different towns, from material of
various colors and qualities obtained within the
limits of the state. The same was done in
part for the Second Infantry. Meantime, an
extra session of the General Assembly had been
called by the governor to convene on May 15th.
With but little delay that body authorized a
loan of $800,000 to meet the extraordinary
expenses incurred and to be incurred by the of
the state, ex-Governor Merrill, then a resident
of McGregor - immediately took from the governor
a contract to supply a complete outfit of
clothing for the three regiments organized,
agreeing to receive, should the governor so
elect, his pay therefor in state bonds at par.
This contract he executed to the letter, and a
portion of the clothing which was manufactured
in Boston to his order, was delivered at Keokuk,
the place at which the troops had rendezvoused,
in exactly one month from the day on which the
contract had been entered into. The
remainder arrived only a few days later.
This clothing was delivered to the regiments but
was subsequently condemned by the Government for
the reason that its color was gray, and blue had
keen adopted as the color to be worn by national
The news soon reached Winterset that the
Southern states were in rebellion and that the
flag had been insulted at Charleston, South
Carolina. Although fully advised of the
spirit manifested by Southern leaders the people
were not prepared to realize the danger menacing
free institutions of the Republic and were
astounded and horrified when the real situation
arose and confronted them. But almost
every man and woman in Madison County loved and
revered the Union and rallied at the first call,
to express their sentiments. Mass meetings
from this on were the order of the day and
night, and but little time was lost before
action was taken. At one of these
meetings, held on Apr. 24, 1861, at the
Christian Church, in Winterset, a large
assemblage of people met in the house of worship
and was presided over by Dr. D B. Allen;
John J. Davies acted as secretary.
The object of the meeting was to discuss the
ominous situation of the country and to
ascertain how many persons in the county were
willing to join a military company, or
companies, for home protection, and a committee
of ten was appointed for the purpose of securing
the names of those desiring to become members of
the proposed companies. That committee was
composed of the following named persons:
L. D. Karns, L. N. Clark, William L. Leonard,
A. Hood, N. Garretson, H. C. Carter, Frederick
Mott, William Shannon, J. W. Holbrook, J W.
and C. Gaskill.
It was the sense of
the meeting that both the cavalry adn infantry
company should be organized, and that as their
formation would be for home protection the
citizens should furnish the enlisted men with
arms. Thereupon, the Madison County Raners,
a cavalry company, was organized and the
patriotic citizens, signing their names that
evening to the rolls of the cavalry company
were: J. I. Denman, J. M. Lambert, E. W.
Evans, D. D. Davisson, C. A. Gaskill, H. C.
Page 187 -
Carter, G. M. Rutledge, H. M. Porter, B. M.
Bixby, William Reynolds, Samuel Conigan, Butler
Bird, W. C. Newlon.
An infantry company was also formed and assumed the
name of the Winterset Guards. Its muster
roll showed the following names:
O. C. Ayres,
S. G. Beckwith,
D. W. Burnett,
G. W. Betts,
J. W. Craven,
F. M. Cassidy,
H. C. Farnsworth,
M. Foster,
B. C. Howell,
N. A. Harlana,
W. M. Jenkins,
J. W. Kirk,
B. F. Murray,
J. P. Noel,
A. Nosler,
F. M. Pickerell, |
W. R. Shriver,
John Stiffler,
James Stafford,
S. B. Williams,
C. C. Ward,
Cal. Trion,
C. Tibbles,
William H. Goodwin,
J. M. Andrews,
D. D. Bennett,
Thomas Bardrick,
F. I. Cash,
L. N. Clark,
H. J. B. Cummings,
T. W. Fouch,
J. D. Holbrook, |
W. P. Hastings,
J. M. Holaday,
L. D. Karns,
J. R. Lambert,
H. Marlow,
John Nichol,
Eli Odell,
Lee Pitzer,
T. M. Stiffler,
G. W. Stiffler,
E. T. Warner,
J. H. Williams,
J. D. Williams,
M. R. Tidrick,
D. W. Thompson. |
The "Rangers" met on the evening of the 26th and
selected these officers:
Captain D. D. Davisson; first lieutenant,
G. M. Rutledge; second lieutenant,
Butler Bird; Third lieutenant, B. F.
Bixby; orderly sergeant, H. C.
Carter. The men joining the "Rangers"
were required to furnish themselves with a horse
and saddle "and such arms as each might obtain."
And the object of the organization by the
records, was to "defend the citizens and
property of Madison County when the contingency
might require it" This was the first
military company organized in Madison County.
Other warlike movements on the part of the citizens
took place, one closely upon the other, and a
few of them will be related in order to show the
spirit and feelings of the people at that time
of national travail. On Apr 27, 1861,
S. G. Beckwith and Jesse R. Lambert
announced the receipt of their commissions from
the adjutant general of the state, to organize a
company of volunteers "in this senatorial
district." At the close of this
announcement the newly made officials sent out
this appeal. "Let not the young men of our
district be slow in responding to the all of
their country in a time of danger." To
encourage others it was reported that S. B.
Beckwith, Jesse R. Lambert, Butler Bird, William
L. Leonard, James McCleary, William C. Newlon
and B. F. Murray had already
On Apr. 27, 1861, the following call was issued:
"The people of Madison County, in favor of
sustaining the Government in its endeavors to
maintain and preserve the Union in its present
crisis, are requested to meet at Winterset on
Saturday, May 4, 1861, at 1 P. M., for the
purpose of giving expression to their views as
American citizens. Signed, Albert West,
M. L. McPherson, M. Glazebrook, L. S. Garrett,
A. Hood, Cal Ballard, C. D. Bevington, John
Leonard, H. J. B. Cummings, Samuel Hamilton, L.
Mayo, J. J. Davies, W. L. Hart, D. D. Davisson,
N. Garretson, I. L. Tidrick, John McLeod,
William Compton, J. W. Moody, J. A. Pitzer, D.
B. Allen, W. L. Leonard, L. M. Tidrick, J. F.
At St. Charles, May
1, 1861, a large and enthusiastic war meeting
was held; a Union pole was raised and a
beautiful large flag, made and presented by the
ladies of that neighborhood, was run up to the
breeze. The occasion was enlivened by
music from the Indianola Brass Band and Union
speeches were made by Dr. William L. Leonard,
of Winterset, and Lewis Todhunter, of
Indianola. "Ringing patriotic resolutions
were adopted."
Great excitement prevailed throughout the county and
war with the South was the exclusive subject of
general conversation. Those opposed to the
Page 188 -
tion of the war kept their views to themselves,
while in public places, for the danger of
violence was imminent.
On May 1, 1861, Elder A. Bradfield, of the
Winterset Christian Church, delivered an ultra
patriotic sermon in favor of the war for the
Union. Other local ministers were equally
patriotic in the pulpit.
The following extracts from the Madisonian are matters
of local history and should be of more than
ordinary interest to the present and future
generations, if not of the past: A
detachment of regular soldiers from Fort
Randall, Dakota Territory, on their way to the
seat of war passed through Winterset May 4th.
They were entertained by the citizens and given
a hearty reception. May 18th, the Clinton
Guards of this county met for organization and
elected the following officers: Captain,
R. A. Stitt; first lieutenant, E.
H. Venard; second lieutenant W. T.
Shelburn; ensign, James Brinson;
first sergeant, Jacob Hyskill. The
company numbered forty-four men. They
proposed to uniform themselves forthwith and
report to the Government.
About May 20th sixty stands of arms passed through
Winterset for Page County, which was threatened
with attack by rebels from Gentry County,
Before May 25th "Madison County Guards," of Winterset,
had disbanded, by reason of internal
disagreement, and another organization was
perfected which took the name of the "Union
Zouaves." This organization was officered
by H. J. B. Cummings, captain; John R.
Nichol, first lieutenant; J. R. Lambert,
second lieutenant; J. M. Andrews, third
lieutenant; L.N. Clark, first sergeant;
J. S. Goshorn, second sergeant; W. P.
Hastings, third sergeant; S. Pitzer,
fourth sergeant; John Stiffler, fifth
sergeant; J. W> Burnett, E. A. Huber, J. M.
Holaday, E. C. Ward, corporals. The
privates were Frederick Mott, J. J. Davies,
C. P. Lee, R. Bain, C. Danforth, J. D. Williams,
C. Armbreast, A Nosler, B. F. Murray, John
Hinkle, E. W. Reynolds, T. M. Stiffler, G. S.
Stiffler, Marion Cassiday, J. P. Wallace,
and J. S. White.
May 25th, another
company was due to be organized, which styled
itself "The Silver Grays," and was composed of
men over thirty years of age.
June 27th Capt. P. Gad Bryan, of Indianola, made
a stirring speech at the Christian Church, in
the effort to secure recruits, for his cavalry
company. He made an impressive address
which was followed by M. L. McPherson, of
Winterset. At the conclusion, the
following Madison County men were enlisted:
J. R. Lambert, W. R. Shriver, C. Tibbles, D.
W. Burnett, T. M. Stiffler, John Fauroute, J. D.
Jenks, E. S. Ewing, Milton Carter, J. H. Bird,
D. D. Burnett, G. Tibbles, John H. Williams,
and Butler Bird.
During the latter
part of April a company had been organized in
Madison Township of which William E. Clampitt,
a Mexican war veteran, was captain. This
military organization was the subject of much
reckless talk for some time, as the loyalty of
certain of its members was much questioned, and
was strongly defended by Captain Clampitt.
June 29th E. S. Ewing, of Winterset,
advertised for cavalry horses. The
owners were asked to give a credit for six
months to volunteers with approved security.
He didn't secure many.
July 13th Capt.
H. J. B. Cummings' Company G, Fourth Iowa
Regiment, started for its rendezvous at Council
Bluffs. Their departure was one of the
Page 189 -
saddest affairs that ever occurred in the
County. Probably every eye that witnessed
the scene was blinded by tears. Not even
the most indifferent or hardened person withheld
his emotions. It was never forgotten by
any one present.
Previous to the departure of Company G, on July 12th,
the ladies in and near Winterset gave a festival
supper to the company. It was one worthy
of the ladies and the occasion. After the
soldiers had eaten their fill there was an
abundance for the citizens present. At
this festival the ladies presented the company
with a beautiful flag. Miss Geraldine
Squire made the presentation address and the
response was by the captain, H. J. B.
Aug. 31, Lieut.
J. D. Jenks, and Serg. Jesse R. Lambert,
of Bryan's Cavalry, were home on a few days
leave of absence. On their return the
following recruits went with them: William O.
Ludlow, Joseph Reynolds, Edward Marlow, Matthew
Wilkins, Mr. McCandless and "Curley Joe."
September 1st the
board of supervisors appropriated $150 out of
the county funds, for the benefit of the
families of volunteers of Madison County, who
were left in destitute circumstances by reason
of such enlistments, if there should be any.
The above excerpts, which were scattered hither and
yon, throughout the various issues of the
Madisonian during the stirring year of 1861,
give a good portrayal of the things that most
interested the people in Madison County at that
time. Many such events occurred before the
close of hostilities between the North and the
South. It certainly would be interesting
reading, to many, to give a full relation of the
local war time incidents, but space will not
permit. However, Madison County did her
part, faithfully and well, in putting down
rebellion and upholding the glory and integrity
of republican institutions. The county was
represented in a number of different regimental
organizations and furnished 710 men to the ranks
of the Union army, which was in excess of her
quota. The commissioned officers from
Madison County in that great conflict were as
H. J. B. Cummings, |
colonel, Thirty-ninth
Iowa Infantry; |
George N. Elliott, |
lieutenant colonel,
Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry; |
Dr. William L.
Leonard, |
surgeon, Thirty-ninth
Iowa Infantry; |
Mott, |
Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry; |
S. G. Guiberson, |
captain, Company A,
Thirty-ninth Infantry; |
Oliver C. Ayers, |
first lieutenant,
Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa
Infantry; |
Charles S.
Armstrong, |
first lieutenant,
Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa
Infantry; |
J. B. Rawls, |
second lieutenant,
Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa
Infantry; |
John P. Jones, |
second lieutenant
Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa
Infantry; |
J. M. Browne, |
captain Company F,
Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry; |
Thomas W. Stiles, |
captain, Company F,
Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry |
Bradfield, |
captain, Company F,
Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry; |
William Anderson, |
first lieutenant,
Company F, Thirty-ninth Iowa
Infantry; |
Dr. S. B. Cherry, |
Forty-seventh Iowa Infantry; |
J. S. Goshorn, |
captain, Company e,
Forty-seventh Iowa Infantry; |
J. D. Jenks, |
brevet lieutenant
colonel, First Iowa Cavalry; |
William R.
Shriver, |
first lieutenant,
First Iowa Cavalry; |
William Pursell, |
captain, Company I,
Fourth Iowa Cavalry; |
J. R. Lambert, |
first lieutenant,
Company I, Fourth Iowa Cavalry; |
William Hastings, |
first lieutenant
Company I, Fourth Cavalry; |
William Early, |
first lieutenant
Company I, Fourth Iowa Cavalry; |
E. W. Raymond, |
sergeant, Company I, Fourth Iowa
Cavalry |
William W.
Buchanan, |
second lieutenant,
Company E, Fifth Iowa Cavalry; |
M. R. Tidrick,
first lieutenant
Company G, Third Iowa Infantry; |
Page 190 -
R. A. Stitts, |
adjutant, Fourth Iowa
Infantry; |
D. E. Cooper, |
captain Company F,
Fourth Iowa Infantry; |
A. J. Tisdale, |
captain Company F,
Fourth Iowa Infantry; |
J. A. Kelly, |
first lieutenant
Company F, Fourth Iowa Infantry; |
Josiah McLeod, |
sergeant, Third Infantry; |
John M. Cooper, |
second lieutenant
Company F, Fourth Iowa Cavalry; |
Davis S. Smith, |
first lieutenant
Company K, Eleventh Iowa Infantry;
George Gregory, |
second lieutenant
Company K, Elevent Iowa Infantry; |
J. W. Stiffler,
second lieutenant
Company K, Tenth Iowa Infantry; |
J. H. Goolman, |
captain Company H,
Twenty-third Infantry; |
S. G. Beckwith, |
first lieutenant
Company A, Twenty-third Iowa
Infantry; |
J. L. Shipley, |
first lieutenant
Company H, Twenty-third Iowa
Infantry; |
J. D. Ewing, |
first lieutenant
Company H, Twenty-third Iowa
Infantry; |
Robert E. Martin, |
first lieutenant
Company C, Thirty-third Iowa
Infantry. |
Of the above named
officers, J. D. Ewing, Leander
Pitzer, O. C. Ayers and J. P.
Jones were killed in battle, or
died of wounds received while in
battle. |
The roster of names which follows is taken
from the latest reports prepared in the office
of the adjutant general of the State of Iowa ,
and it may be said to be complete and correct.
In looking over the roster as published in the
history of Madison County of 1879, quite a
number of names were omitted and some
misspelled. It has been sought in this
endeavor to avoid errors and not omit the name
of one worthy to appear in this roll. But
when the attempt is made to publish the name of
every person from Madison County who served in
the Civil war , it is practically impossible, as
there were many who enlisted while away from
home in regiments belonging to other states.
However, insofar as unremitting efforts on the
part of the adjutant general's office are
concerned, the roster of Madison County's heroes
should be considered intact:
Blakeley, George H., |
enlisted May 27,
1861; veteranized Jan. 4, 1864, in
Second Infantry. |
Dick Reuben, |
enlisted May 21,
1861. |
Etherton, Stephen,
enlisted May 27,
1861. |
Huffman, Joseph,
enlisted May 27,
1861. |
McLeod, Josiah, |
enlisted May 20,
1861; promoted to quartermaster
sergeant; taken prisoner at Shiloh,
April 6, 1862; discharged Mar. 28,
1863. |
Murray, Benjamin F., |
enlisted May 21,
1861; taken prisoner at Shiloh. |
Newlon, William C., |
enlisted May 21,
1861; promoted to third sergeant;
slightly wounded at Shiloh; lost a
leg; discharged Apr. 6, 1863. |
Reayer, James H., |
entered Second
Veteran Infantry June 21, 1864. |
Ruby, Samuel G., |
Eighth Corps;
enlisted May 21, 1861; discharged
July 8, 1862, for disability. |
Tidrick, Miller R., |
enlisted May 20,
1861; appointed commissary sergeant
June 8, 1861; promoted Oct. 22,
1861; resigned May 23, 1862. |
Page 191 -
Warner, Ephraim P., |
enlisted May 21,
1861; wounded at Shiloh; discharged
Sept. 12, 1862. |
Moore, John, |
enlisted July 10,
1861. |
Unless otherwise specified, the
members of this company enlisted
July 1, 1861. |
Henry J. B.
Cummings, |
transferred to Thirty-ninth
Infantry, Sept. 14, 1862, with
the rank of colonel. |
Robert A. Stitt, |
first lieutenant;
appointed adjutant May 28, 1862;
promoted to captain, Sept. 12,
1862; wounded at Vicksburg;
resigned Dec. 6, 1863. |
John S. Goshorn, |
lieutenant; resigned Apr. 22,
1862. |
William McCreery, |
enlisted July 1,
1861; first sergeant. |
Leander Pitzer, |
second sergeant;
promoted to second lieutenant
Apr. 14, 1862; promoted to first
lieutenant May, 1862; wounded at
Vicksburg, Dec. 29, 1862; died
of wounds at Paducah, Jan. 23,
1863. |
Daniel E. Cooper, |
third sergeant;
promoted to second lieutenant
June 1, 1862; promoted to
captain, Dec. 27, 1863; resigned
Sept. 30, 1864. |
John E. Smith,
enlisted July 1,
1861, fourth sergeant. |
Thomas M.
Stiffler, |
fifth sergeant;
wounded at Chickasaw Bayou and
Vicksburg; died of wound Aug.
14, 1863. |
James Bunson,
enlisted July 1,
1861, first corporal; discharged
Apr. 3, 1862, for rheumatism. |
John Faurote,
third corpora;
promoted to first corporal. |
William Porter,
second corporal;
discharged Apr. 3, 1862, for
rheumatism. |
James H.
Stafford, |
fifth corporal;
promoted to second corporal;
wounded at Chickasaw Bayou;
killed in action at Cherokee,
Oct. 23, 1863. |
John M. Cooper, |
private; promoted
to sixth corporal, Apr. 3, 1862;
first lieutenant, Dec. 27, 1863;
mustered out as private Sept. 4,
1864, commission being revoked. |
William H. Fowkes, |
fourth corporal;
discharged for rheumatism, Apr.
3, 1862. |
George W. Tibbles,
sixth corporal;
promoted to third corporal. |
Adoniram J.
Tisdale, |
seventh corporal;
promoted to fourth corpora;
promoted to second lieutenant,
Jan. 25, 1863; promoted to
captain, Sept. 30, 1864, vice
Cooper resigning. |
George D.
Sullivan, |
eighth corporal;
promoted to fifth corporal, Dec.
26, 1861. |
Abraham Guilliams, |
musician; wounded
at Pea Ridge, Mar. 7, 1862. |
William Guilliams,
musician. |
Wilford W.
Crandall, |
wagoner; wounded
at Pea Ridge; taken prisoner at
Clayville, Arkansas. |
Alloway, Benjamin
F., |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862; died at White River,
Arkansas, July 8, 1863. |
Page 192 -
Ambreast, Casper, |
wounded at Pea Ridge. |
Anderson, Elisha |
Archer, Henry H., |
enlisted Mar. 11,
1864. |
Ault, Augustus, |
enlisted Feb. 27,
1864. |
Barrett, Joseph, |
promoted seventh
corporal, Apr. 3, 1862. |
Bird, Anderson, |
wounded at Pea Ridge. |
Brinson, David A., |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862; died at Young's Point,
Louisiana, Feb. 7, 1863, of disease. |
Brinson, James, |
discharged for
disability Apr. 3, 1862. |
Brinson, Thomas, |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862; discharged for disability at
Young's Point, Louisiana, Feb. 7,
1863. |
Brinson, William, |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862. |
Baker, David E., |
discharged Aug. 5,
1863. |
Banta, Henry D., |
appointed hospital
steward, Jan. 1, 1862. |
Bell, Rufus,
promoted to eighth
corporal; promoted seventh corporal;
mustered out July 24, 1865. |
Brooks, Gilbert M., |
mustered out Sept. 4,
1864. |
Bruce, John R., |
enlisted Mar. 21,
1862. |
Burdick, Albert M., |
wounded in face at
Pea Ridge; discharged at Black
River, Mississippi, Aug. 18, 1863. |
Cason, John J., |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862; discharged June 12, 1863. |
Cason, Joshua H., |
discharged Sept. 28,
1864, for disability. |
Clary, Henry C., |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862; mustered out July 24, 1865. |
Cline, William R., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; discharged Aug. 4, 1863. |
Collins, Milton, |
wounded at Vicksburg;
died at Vicksburg, July 28, 1863. |
Compton, James R., |
taken prisoner at
Clayville, Arkansas. |
Conard, Jackson, |
discharged May 16,
1862, at Batesville, Arkansas. |
Conard, John, |
mustered out July 24,
1865. |
Conard, Joshua,
mustered out July 24,
1865. |
Curry, William R., |
enlisted July 1,
1861. |
Darby, John E., |
enlisted Mar. 31,
1864; discharged June 18, 1865. |
Davis, George B., |
enlisted July 8,
1861; wounded at Pea Ridge. |
Davis, William H., |
enlisted Mar. 9,
1864. |
Debusk, Elihu,
died of fever at
Rolla, Nov. 17, 1861. |
Debusk, Isaac, |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; died of grief at Cassville,
Missouri, Mar. 16, 1862. |
Debusk, William S., |
died of wounds at Pea
Ridge. |
Decker, Ethel, |
enlisted July 1,
1861. |
Dorrance, Alexander
P., |
enlisted Aug. 15,
1862; killed at Walnut Hills,
Mississippi, May 19, 1863. |
Dorrance, James H., |
wounded at Pea Ridge
and Chickasaw. |
Dunsmore, Daniel G., |
enlisted July 1,
1861. |
Easton, John A., |
wounded at Pea Ridge,
discharged at St. Louis. |
Epperson, James M., |
discharged for
tetanus, Sept. 18, 1861. |
Evans, Jesse B., |
discharged for
disability Mar. 14, 1864. |
Faqua, Charles B., |
enlisted Apr. 11,
1864. |
Faqua, John H., |
enlisted Apr. 11,
1864. |
Flanigan, William, |
discharged May 16,
1862, at Batesville, Arkansas. |
Page 193 -
Ford, Ivan S., |
enlisted Feb. 29,
1864. |
Fowler, Thomas M., |
discharged at Keokuk,
Nov. 24, 1864. |
Fuqua, John H., |
enlisted July 1,
1861; mustered out July 24, 1865. |
Garrett, Andrew. |
Gearhard, Abram, |
discharged at
Batesville, May 16, 1862. |
Gilliland, DanielW., |
enlisted Apr. 2,
1862. |
Goodwin, William H.
H., |
wounded at Vicksburg. |
Guilliams, Benton C., |
enlisted Mar. 19,
1864. |
Guilliams, George, |
discharged for wounds
Mar. 23, 1865. |
Harris, Samuel B., |
enlisted July 10,
1861. |
Hess, William J., |
enlisted Nov. 1,
1862; discharged Nov. 21, 1862. |
Holliday, John
Milton, |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1862; wounded at Pea Ridge;
discharged |
Hood, J. K. P., |
enlisted Mar. 28,
1864. |
Jessup, Isaac, |
enlisted Aug. 15,
1862; transferred to Invalid Corps,
Aug. 28, 1864. |
Jumper, George W., |
discharged Dec. 18,
1861; for rheumatism. |
Kelley, Alfred, |
enlisted Oct. 15,
1861; wounded at Chickasaw Bayou,
Dec. 29, 1862; died at Paducah,
Kentucky, Jan. 19, 1863. |
Kelley, John H. |
enlisted July 10,
1861; promoted to first lieutenant,
Nov. 11, 1864. |
Kelso, William C., |
enlisted Mar. 29,
1864. |
Kinkennon, N. W., |
enlisted Aug. 15,
1862; transferred Apr. 28, 1864, to
Invalid Corps. |
Kinkennon, Jacob P., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; discharged May 15, 1862. |
Laflin, William A., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; transferred to Invalid Corps,
Jan. 15, 1864. |
Logan, William, |
wounded at Pea Ridge;
discharged Dec. 20, 1862. |
McConkey, Phineas, |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861. |
Mackey, Thomas, |
enlisted Feb. 27,
1864. |
Mackey, William J., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861. |
Martin, Andrew C., |
discharged Dec. 1,
1862. |
Moore, Anderson, |
enlisted Aug. 16,
1862; wounded at Chickasaw Bayou;
discharged June6, 1863. |
Nicholson, Dwight, |
promoted to eighth
corporal, Apr. 3, 1862. |
Osborn, Philip, |
enlisted Aug. 28,
1862; died at Young's Point, Feb.
22, 1863. |
Pearce, James H., |
enlisted Apr. 7,
1864; killed in action at Kenesaw
Mountain, June 27, 1864. |
Ray, Isaac, |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862. |
Reel, Thomas A., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; died at Kewanna, Indiana,Mar.
20, 1864. |
Runkle, John M., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; wounded at Chickasaw Bayou and
discharged. |
Scott, John W., |
enlisted Aug. 21,
1862; wounded at Vicksburg; died at
Young's Point, Louisiana, 1863. |
Sherfy, Jacob D., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; died Feb. 5, 186 |
Page 194 -
Shortess, Chris C., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; died of measles, Feb. 16,
1862. |
Smith, George W., |
wounded at Chickasaw
Bayou; captured Feb. 2, 1864. |
Smith, Isaac N.,
enlisted Mar. 21,
1864. |
Smith, John W., |
wounded at Pea Ridge,
Mar. 7, 1864; died Mar. 17, at
Cassville, Missouri, of wounds. |
Smith, Orseneth F., |
wounded at Pea Ridge;
discharged Oct. 30, 1864. |
Smith, Thomas P., |
enlisted Feb. 20,
1864. |
Stafford, Oliver P., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; discharged Feb. 19, 1863. |
Starks, Doane, |
enlisted July 1,
1861. |
Sturman, James, |
wounded at Pea Ridge,
Mar. 7; died Mar. 11, 1862. |
Sturman, John J., |
enlisted July 1,
1861. |
Stewart, Elisha C., |
wounded at Pea Ridge. |
Stiffler, George L., |
enlistedNov.5, 1861;
wounded at Chickasaw Bayou. |
Stiffler, Henry, |
wounded at Chickasaw
Bayou, Aug. 3, 1863. |
Stiffler, John W., |
enlisted Feb. 27,
1864; mustered out for reenlistment. |
Tedford, Alexander H. |
wounded at Chickasaw
Bluffs; died Feb. 9, 1863. |
Tibbles, Charles E., |
taken prisoner at
Clayville, Arkansas. |
Tilton, Roswell S., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; wounded at Chickasaw BAyou. |
Troutman, William F., |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861; wounded at Chickasaw Bayou. |
Van Doren, Corydon, |
enlisted Nov. 15,
1861. |
Venard, Sylvester, |
transferred to
Invalid Corps. |
Walker, William M., |
enlisted Feb. 23,
1864; died Oct. 16, 1865, at
Marietta, Georgia. |
Wilderson, Charles
E., |
died of disease at
Wilmington, North Carolina, Apr. 25,
1865. |
Wilderson, Samuel, |
enlisted July 1,
1861. |
Williams, Joseph D., |
died Sept. 17, 1861,
from hernia. |
Williams, Joseph W., |
discharged for
disability May 16, 1862. |
Williamson, John H., |
wounded at Chickasaw
Bluffs; died at Young's Point of
wounds, Feb. 14, 1863. |
George Gregory, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; commissioned second lieutenant
Jan. 8, 1862; wounded at Champion
Hills, resigned July 31, 1863. |
David S. Smith, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861, first sergeant; wounded at
Champion Hills, May 16, 1863;
promoted second lieutenant, Aug. 1,
1863; killed at Missouri Ridge, Nov.
23, 1863. |
Oziah A. Moser, |
enlisted May 1, 1861,
fifth sergeant; wounded at
Vicksburg; discharged Mar. 7, 1862. |
J. P. Lytle, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861, fourth corporal; killed at
Champion Hills. |
Alexander Eskew, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; promoted to corporal. |
P. V. Carpenter, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; sixth sergeant; wounded at
Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862; discharged
Feb. 12, 1863. |
Page 195 -
Samuel T. Ferguson, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1862; promoted to eighth corporal;
killed at Champion Hills. |
John W. Stiffler, |
enlisted Sept. 28,
1861, second sergeant; promoted
second lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1863;
killed at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25,
1863. |
Ansley, Josiah D., |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; discharged Apr. 18, 1862. |
Arnold, Eli, |
enlisted Sept.2,
1861. |
Bell, Allen, |
enlisted Sept. 13,
1862. |
Bell, J., |
enlisted Dec. 16,
1861. |
Boardman, Mahlen N., |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; wounded at Charleston,
Missouri, June 8, 1862; discharged
Oct. 27, 1862. |
Bowers, Alanson, |
enlisted Nov. 30,
1861; discharged Nov. 30, 1862. |
Brown, James B., |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; discharged Apr. 18, 1862. |
Burson, Clement, |
Sept. 2, 1861;
discharged Mar. 23, 1862. |
Clary, Cyrus C., |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861; died at Mound City, Indiana,
Apr. 11, 1862. |
Clary, David, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1861. |
Samuel A., |
enlisted Dec. 3, 1861. |
Amos, |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861. |
Johnson, G. W., |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; died at Cape
Girardeau, Missouri, Nov. 13, 1861,
of fever. |
William H., |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; wounded at
Champion Hills; veteranized Jan. 1,
1864. |
William J., |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; wounded at
Chattanooga, Nov. 25, 1863;
veteranized Feb.1, 1864. |
Nathan S., |
enlisted December, 1861; wounded at
Charleston, Missouri, Jan. 8, 1862. |
McNeeley, James, |
enlisted Dec. 16, 1861; discharged
July 16, 1862. |
Andrew, |
enlisted Dec. 4, 1861; discharged
Apr. 20, 1862. |
Jonathan G., |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; wounded at
Champion Hills; died May 25, 1863. |
Northern, Bartley, |
enlisted Dec. 14, 1861. |
Milton, |
enlisted Dec. 7, 1861; discharged at
Corinth, Oct. 16, 1862. |
Spencer, Alexander G., |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; discharged
for disability, Apr. 22, 1862. |
Stiffler, James H., |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861. |
Willis, |
enlisted Dec. 7, 1861; discharged
Apr. 22, 1862, for disability. |
James, |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; captured at
Chattanooga, Nov. 25, 1863; died at
Andersonville prison, May 23, 1864. |
Westerman, Adolph, |
enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; discharged
at Hamburg, Apr. 28, 1862. |
Jesse C., |
enlisted Nov. 30, 1861; mustered
Dec. 19, 1861. |
Page 196 -
Anderson, George |
Brittin, Joseph D., |
enlisted Oct. 2,
1861; mustered out Nov. 9, 1861;
died of smallpox, May 6, 1862, at
Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. |
Burger, August F., |
enlisted Sept. 29,
1861; promoted seventh corporal,
Nov. 14, 1864; sixth corporal, Jan.
1, 1865; fifth corporal, Mar. 14,
1865; fourth corporal, Apr. 14,
1865; mustered out July 24, 1865, at
Louisville, Kentucky. |
Burger, Frederick, |
enlisted Mar. 31,
1864; wounded in left hand, Aug. 26,
1864, near Atlanta, Georgia;
mustered out July 24, 1865, at
Louisville, Kentucky. |
Burger, Frederick, |
enlisted Mar. 31,
1864; wounded in left hand, Aug. 26,
1864, near Atlanta, Georgia;
mustered out July 24, 1865, at
Louisville, Kentucky. |
Cracroft, Milton T., |
enlisted Sept. 17,
1861; mustered out July 24, 1865, at
Louisville, Kentucky. |
Folwell, James D., |
enlisted Sept. 23,
1861; discharged Mar. 23, died of
phthisis, Dec. 8, 1862. |
Folwell, John M., |
enlisted Sept. 23,
1861; promoted eighth corporal, Nov.
26, 1862; fifth corporal; died of
congestive chills, Aug. 28, 1863, at
Vicksburg, Mississippi. |
Hubbard, Isaac D., |
enlisted Oct. 2,
1861; wounded July 21, 1864, near
Atlanta, Georgia; died of wounds
July 24, 1864. |
Moore, John H., |
Elihu, |
Quinnett, Vandamon. |
Benjamin, |
enlisted Sept. 23, 1861; died of
pneumonia at Winterset May 12, 1862. |
Spethman, Leopold, |
enlisted Sept. 23, 1861; discharged
Mar. 9, 1863, for disability. |
Joseph H., |
enlisted Oct. 2, 1861; discharged
for disability Feb. 6, 1863, at
Vicksburg, Mississippi. |
Wiggins, Van Buren, |
enlisted Sept. 18, 1861; second
sergeant; resigned and discharged
for disability, Sept 30, 1862. |
Schoen, William, |
enlisted Oct. 1,
1861; discharged for disability,
Sept. 12, 1862, at Keokuk, Iowa. |
Evans, Lorenzo D., |
enlisted June 14,
1862. |
Clanton, Thomas H., |
enlisted Jan. 25, 1865. |
Collins, Henry, |
enlisted Jan. 25, 1865. |
Conn, Francis M., |
enlisted Jan. 25, 1865. |
Page 197 -
Fincher, Benjamin W., |
enlisted Jan. 25,
1865; transferred to Twenty-ninth
Iowa Infantry. |
Greer, John L., |
enlisted Jan. 25,
1865; transferred to Twenty-ninth
Iowa Infantry July 23, 1865. |
Ilor, George, |
enlisted Jan. 25,
1865; transferred to Twenty-ninth
Iowa Infantry |
Mullan, John, |
enlisted Jan. 25,
1865; transferred to Twenty-ninth
Iowa Infantry |
Pursinger, Isaac A., |
enlisted Jan. 25,
1865; died Mar. 18, 1865, at Fort
Gaines, Alabama. |
F. Goolman, |
enlisted July 22, 1862; commissioned
captain Sept. 19; resigned June 24,
1863. |
Sylvester G. Beckwith,
enlisted July 22, 1862; commissioned
first lieutenant Sept. 19, 1862;
wounded at Black River Ridge; died
of wound June 5, 1863. |
Mills, |
enlisted Aug. 27, 1862; commissioned
second lieutenant Aug. 27; resigned
Aug. 26, 1863. |
John D.
Wight Ewing, |
enlisted July 22, 1862; first
sergeant; promoted to second
lieutenant; wounded at Black River
Bridge; died at Memphis of disease
July 20, 1863. |
John E.
Roberts, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; third
sergeant. |
John D.
Craven, |
enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; third
sergeant. |
C. Beerbower, |
enlisted July 23, 1862; fourth
sergeant; killed at Milliken's Bend,
Louisiana, June 7, 1863. |
Miller, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; fifth
sergeant; promoted to first
sergeant; wounded at Black River
Bridge, Mississippi, May 17, 1863;
died May 19. |
Whaley, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; first
corporal. |
A. Matthews, |
enlisted July 24, 1862; second
corporal; discharged June 3, 1863,
for disability. |
Myers, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; third
corporal. |
B. Williams, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; fourth
corporal; wounded at Spanish Fort,
Alabama, Mar. 30, 1865; died Apr. 2,
1865. |
S. Myers, |
enlisted Aug. 4, 1862; fifth
corporal; discharged for disability
Mar. 23, 1865. |
Hamblin, |
enlisted Aug. 4, 1862; sixth
corporal. |
Truitt, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; seventh
corporal; wounded at Black River
Bridge, Mississippi, May 17, 1863. |
C. Howell, |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; eighth
corporal; discharged for disability
Aug. 26, 1863. |
Kimer, |
enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; muscian. |
C. Jones, |
enlistedAug. 2, 1862; wagoner. |
Armstrong, James F., |
enlisted Mar. 29, 1864. |
Balentine, Alexander J., |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; died Oct. 10,
1863, on steamer Southwester. |
Page 198 -
Barker, Thomas C., |
enlisted July 26,
1862; discharged for disability Mar.
13, 1863. |
Berry, Benjamin H., |
enlisted July 20,
1862. |
William T., |
enlisted July 20, 1862; wounded at
Black River Bridge; promoted to
corporal; died at Vicksburg of
disease Aug. 11, 1863. |
Ransom, |
enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; died Feb.
27, 1863, at Iron Mountain,
Missouri. |
Breeding, James E., |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; discharged
for disability Mar. 2, 1863. |
Hiram C., |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; died Sept. 3,
1863, at Winterset. |
James, |
enlisted Aug 9, 1862. |
Marion, |
enlisted, Aug. 9, 1862. |
Casteel, Isaac, |
enlisted July 21, 1862; wounded at
Black River Bridge. |
Compton, David, |
enlisted July 31, 1862. |
Compton, John F., |
enlisted Aug. 1, 1862; discharged
Apr. 10, 1863, for disability. |
Samuel, |
enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. |
Henry, |
enlisted Aug. 1, 1862. |
Cregmiles, William A., |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. |
Crumbaker, Andrew J., |
enlisted July 28, 1862; died of
fever at Memphis July 3, 1863. |
Davidson, Daniel N., |
enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; promoted to
corporal; died at Vicksburg July 31,
1863. |
Curtis M., |
enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; died of
measles at St. Louis Nov. 3, 1862. |
August, |
enlisted July 24, 1862; died at
Black River Bridge Apr. 25, 1863. |
Lorenzo D., |
enlisted Jne 14, 1862; mustered out
July 26, 1865. |
Morgan O., |
enlisted July 9, 1862; discharged
Feb. 16, 1863, for disability. |
Forster, Aaron M., |
enlisted Aug. 2, 1862. |
Lewis, |
enlisted July 26, 1862; discharged
May 19, 1863, fordisability. |
Gibbons, Joseph A., |
enlisted July 21, 1862; died July 9,
1863, at Black River Bridge, of
disease. |
William G., |
enlisted July 5, 1862; died July 8,
1863, at Vicksburg. |
John C., |
enlisted Mar. 28,1 864; died at
Limesport, Louisiana, Oct. 6, 1864. |
John L., |
enlisted July 2, 1862; discharged
Aug. 8, 1863, for disability. |
Hamblin, Columbus C., |
enlisted July 26, 1862; died Aug.
16, 1863, at Memphis. |
William R., |
enlisted Aug. 8, 1863; discharged
Nov. 15, 1864, for disability. |
Samuel C., |
enlisted July 1, 1862. |
William, |
enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. |
Joseph, |
enlisted Aug. 18, 1862; discharged
Nov. 9, 1864, for disability. |
Page 199 -
Hiatt, Nathan W., |
enlisted July 21,
1862; wounded at Port Gibson, May 1,
1863; died at Duval's Bluff, Dec.
27, 1864. |
Hubbard, Cyrus C.,
enlisted Aug. 5,
1862; died Jan. 27, 1863, en route
to Rolla, Missouri. |
Jesse, William T., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Black River Ridge
May 17, 1863. |
Johns, Abijah B., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; died Aug. 16, 1863, at St.
Charles, Arkansas. |
Johnson, Benjamin, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Kendall, John, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; discharged Nov. 17, 1862, for
disability. |
Kinnaird, George H.,
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Kirk, Charles W., |
enlisted Aug. 9, 862. |
Lane, Reuben C., |
enlisted Aug. 2,
1862. |
Lee, Reuben G., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; died at Patterson, Missouri,
Oct. 22, 1862. |
Likins, John M., |
enlisted Aug. 2,
1862; died at Milliken's Bend, July
20, 1863. |
Lynch, Robert, |
enlisted Mar. 19,
1864; transferred to Twenty-ninth
Iowa Infantry, July 23, 1865. |
Lynch, Peter S., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Mahew, William M., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Mann, James W., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Marchel, John, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Marley, Alexander,
enlisted July 31,
1863. |
Matthews, Richard, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; discharged Nov. 17, 1862. |
McBee, James, |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1862; discharged for disability,
Aug. 9, 1863. |
McClintock, John E., |
enlisted Dec. 28,
1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve
Corps, June 17, 1864. |
McClintock, James M., |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862; died at New Orleans, Nov. 11,
1863. |
McDaniel, Allen Hl., |
enlisted July 22,
1862. |
McWilliams, Samuel
M., |
enlisted July 31,
1862; died of disease, Nov. 13,
1862. |
Mount, William A., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; discharged May 19, 1863, for
disability. |
Myers, Asahel W., |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1863. |
Noble, John, |
enlisted Dec. 2,
1863. |
Noble, William, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Oldham, Jesse, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Peter, Zachariah G., |
enlisted Aug. 5,
1862. |
Porter, George W., |
enlisted Mar. 21,
1864. |
Powell, Rolando, |
enlisted Aug. 6,
1862; died Aug. 28, 1863, at
Memphis. |
Pursinger, Morgan D., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge. |
Pursinger, William
W., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge,
May 17, 1863. |
Page 200 -
Reel, William H., |
enlisted Aug. 18,
1862. |
Richmond, William S., |
enlisted Aug. 15,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge. |
Rollins, Caleb, |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge. |
Rollins, Isaac L., |
enlisted July 26,
1862; transferred to Veteran Corps. |
Rollins, John J., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Spanish Fort,
Alabama. |
Shepherd, Alexander
S., |
enlisted Aug. 4,
1862. |
Shipley, John L., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1863. |
Shoemaker, William
W., |
enlisted July 26,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge. |
Short, Hubbard S., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Smith, James, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Black River ridge;
died of wounds Aug. 11, 1863. |
Stephen s, Joel R., |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge. |
Utter, H. L., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Weaver, Ephraim B., |
enlisted Feb. 26,
1864. |
Weaver, William J., |
enlisted Mar. 26,
1864; transferred to Twenty-ninth
Infantry, July 23, 1865. |
Weeks, Finley G., |
enlisted Aug. 1,
1862. |
Wilder, Nahum E., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge
adn Spanish Fort. |
Williams, Joseph C., |
enlisted Aug. 16,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge,
May 17, 1863, an at Spanish Fort,
Alabama, Mar. 30, 1865. |
Wine, Eliljah S., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862. |
Wine, George S., |
enlisted Jan. 23,
1864. |
Winkley, Luther W., |
enlisltedAug. 9,
1862; wounded at Black River Bridge. |
Young, William E., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; died at Vicksburg, of disease,
June 28, 1863. |
Young, Eugene M., |
enlited Mar. 16,
1864. |
Young, Henry L., |
enlisted Mar. 16,
1864; died at St. Charles, Arkansas,
of fever, Aug. 1, 1864. |
Martin, Robert E., |
first sergeant;
promoted second lieutenant, Jan. 14,
1863; promoted to first lieutenant
Company B, consolidated regiment,
March 5, 1863. |
Harbison, Mathew H., |
eighth corporal; died
at Memphis, Jan. 20, 1863. |
Monteith, John W., |
musician. |
Harbison, William P., |
discharged Apr. 6,
1863, at Chicago, for disability. |
McGinnis, George, |
died Apr. 21, 1863,
at St. Louis. |
Way, John C., |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. |
Page 201 -
Blosser, Noah, |
died Feb. 6, 1863, at
St. Louis. |
Blosser, Christian, |
enlisted Aug. 19,
1862. |
Potter, William J., |
enlisted Aug. 19,
1862. |
Reed, John R., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; discharged June21, 1864, for
disability. |
Sheldon, David, |
enlisted Aug. 19,
1862. |
Stichler, Samuel A., |
discharged Apr. 13,
1863, at St. Louis, disability. |
Stichler, Mathias, |
died Mar. 4, 1864, at
New Orleans. |
H. J. B. Cummings, |
colonel. |
Frederick Mott, |
enlisted and commissioned Sept. 15,
1862; appointed captain and A. A.
G., Feb. 3, 1865. |
William L. Leonard, |
assistant surgeon;
enlisted and commissioned Sept. 17,
1862. |
Thomas J. Taylor, |
chaplain; enlisted
and commissioned Oct. 3, 1862;
resigned July 13, 1863. |
John M. Andrews, |
sergeant; enlisted Aug. 17, 1862;
appointed Nov. 24, 1862. |
George N. Elliott, |
captain; enlisted
Aug. 8 1862; commissioned Nov. 24,
1862; promoted to major; promoted to
lieutenant colonel, May 4, 1864;
mustered out as major. |
Oliver C. Ayers, |
first lieutenant;
enlisted Aug. 8, 1862; commissioned
Nov. 24 1862. |
Jonathan B. Rawls, |
second lieutenant;
enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at
Parker's Cross Roads, Dec. 31, 1862;
resigned Apr. 2, 1864. |
John P. Jones, |
first sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at
Parker's Cross Roads; killed at
Allatoona, Oct. 5, 1864. |
Philip M. Boyles, |
second sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; discharged
Sept. 9, 1863. |
James F. Brock, |
third sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; captured at
Allatoona, Oct. 5, 1864. |
Thomas Ansley, |
fourth sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 8, 1862; died at
Davenport, Dec. 24, 1862. |
Samuel S. Guiberson, |
fifth sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 8, 1862; promoted to
fourth sergeant, Dec. 31, 1862;
first lieutenant and then captain,
Jan. 28, 1865. |
Charles T. Jones, |
first corporal;
enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. |
David Applegate, |
second corporal;
enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. |
Martin B. Ruby, |
third corporal;
enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; killed at
Allatoona, Oct. 5, 1864. |
Charles S. Armstrong, |
fourth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 8, 1862; promoted to
fifth sergeant, Dec. 31, 1862;
promoted to first sergeant and first
lieutenant, Mar. 26, 1865. |
Page 202 -
James S. Wallace, |
fifth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. |
John S. Tullis, |
sixth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at
Allatoona; discharged Feb. 24, 1865. |
John W. Barber,
seventh corporal;
enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; discharged
Dec. 15, 1863. |
Jesse Williams, |
eighth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; wounded at
Parker's Cross Roads. |
Benjamin F. Bowlsby, |
musician; enlisted
Aug. 22, 1862. |
William N. White, |
musician; enlisted
Aug. 14, 1862. |
John S. Maggs, |
wagoner; enlisted
Aug. 22, 1862. |
Alexander, James F., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Allcock, Lorenzo W., |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1862; promoted to corporal; wounded
at Allatoona; discharged Mar. 13,
1865. |
Allen, Benjamin, |
enlisted Aug., 1862;
died at Davenport, Nov. 20, 1862. |
Allen, Isaac, |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1862. |
Bates, Lewis F., |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Bethel, George W., |
enlisted Aug. 16,
1862. |
Betts, George W., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862. |
Bertholf, John W., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Boling, James W., |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1862; captured at Parker's Cross
Roads; discharged Apr. 4, 1863. |
Breeding, Joseph A., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; discharged Aug. 24, 1863. |
Brittain, Alfred, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Brittain, Pleasant, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Brown, Edward, |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads; died at Jackson, Mississippi,
of wounds, Feb. 27, 1863. |
Brown, George, |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862. |
Brown, Thomas, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Cady, Henry, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Carter, Benjamin F., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; discharged Feb. 25, 1863. |
Cassiday, F. Marion, |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. |
Chase, Henry M., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; captured at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Chase, George B., |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862. |
Church, BenjaminF., |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. |
Compton, Martin, |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; discharged May 27 1863. |
Connoran, Edward F., |
enlisted Aug. 18,
1862. |
Cook, John H., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862 |
Dabney, Isaac W., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Debord, Meres C., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; captured at Parker's Cross
Roads; discharged June 21, 1864. |
Duncan, John M., |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862; captured at Allatoona. |
Fleming, David, |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862; captured at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Gatchell, Albert A., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; wounded at Allatoona;
discharged Dec. 12, 1864. |
Goare, William, |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862; wounded at Allatoona, Oct. 5,
1864; died Oct. 25th of wounds. |

Reunion of the Thirty-Ninth Iowa, October 5th
and 6th, 1898, at Winterset.
Page 203 -
Harlan, John A., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862. |
Hindman, John, |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862 |
Elbert, |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. |
Houston, Reuben J., |
enlisted Feb. 24,
1864. |
Johnson, Hosea H., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; captured at Shady Grove,
Tennessee, De. 31, 1862; transferred
to Invalid Corps. |
Jones, Caleb Brinton,
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. |
Jones, Thomas, |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862; died at Corinth, Mar. 10, 1863
of fever. |
Kale, James, |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862; captured at Shady Grove. |
Kale, William J., |
enlisted Feb. 24,
1864; killed at Allatoona, Oct. 5,
1864. |
Kensler, John, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; captured at Shady Grove. |
Kephart, Abraham, |
enlistedAug. 22,
1862. |
Kopp, Theodore, |
enlistedAug. 14,
1862; died at Rome, Georgia, of
fever, Aug. 27, 1864. |
Landis, Isaac N., |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862; captured at Allatoona. |
Landis, William Bird, |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; killed at Allatoona, Oct. 5,
1864. |
Landon, Martin V. B., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. |
Large, Upton T., |
enlisted May 14,
1862; wounded at Allatoona. |
Large, Patrick, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; died at Davenport, Nov. 19,
1862. |
Longnacker, Isaac S., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Lovelace, Brinton, |
enlisted Nov. 14,
1862. |
McKibben, William, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
McKinzie, Aaron, |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; captured at Allatoona. |
McLaughlin, E. D., |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. |
Means, Lewis F., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Mercer, Clinton T., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862; captured at Allatoona. |
Mills, Albert C., |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862; captured at Shady Grove. |
Mills, Ephraim, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; captured at Shady Grove. |
Miller, Benjamin F., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Morgan, William, |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862; died at Winterset, Nov. 19,
1862. |
Myers, Daniel M., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; died at Corinth, May 21, 1863. |
Norman, Lemuel M., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. |
Oglesbee, John,
enlisted Aug. 23,
1862; discharged Jan. 29, 1864. |
Oglesbee, Isaiah, |
enlisted Aug. 23,
1862; wounded at Allatoona. |
Peach, Leander, |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862; died at Des Moines, Oct. 19,
1862. |
Peach, Moston W., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Pendleton, Henry C., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; died at Corinth, Feb. 3, 1863,
of disease. |
Pontius, Solomon, |
enlisted Aug. 15,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads, Dec. 31, 1862; died of
wounds, Jan. 3, 1863. |
Porter, Isaac, |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; wounded at Allatoona; promoted
to first sergeant Apr. 24, 1865. |
Page 204 -
Rollstin, Porter, |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862. |
Ratliff, John W. |
enlisted Aug. 18,
1862. |
Ray, Joseph, |
enlisted Aug. 10,
1862; died at Corinth, Mar. 13,
1863, of disease. |
Rhodes, James M., |
enlisted Aug. 11,
1862; discharged June 24, 1864. |
Rhodes, Pleasant M., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; captured at Shady Grove. |
Rice, John, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Richmond, John, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. |
Roberts, Benjamin F., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; captured at Shady Grove;
discharged June 14, 1865. |
Shupe, Levi I., |
enlisted Aug. 8,
1862; discharged Dec. 9, 1862. |
Siemiller, Cyrus, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1864. |
Smith, John, |
enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. |
Stickle, Boyd J., |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; died at Davenport, Dec. 3,
1862. |
Swim, Anthony J., |
enlistedAug. 12,
1862. |
Thompson, William D., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. |
Tucker, Thomas, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Walker, James Vance, |
enlisted Aug. 9,
1862; discharged Mar. 14, 1863. |
Whitenack, Robert A., |
enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. |
Wood, Gilbert D., |
enlisted Aug. 12,
1862; captured at Shady Grove;
discharged Mar. 9, 1863. |
Young, Robert M., |
enlisted Feb. 29,
1864. |
Young, Newton W., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; promoted to fourth sergeant,
Apr. 24, 1863. |
Joseph M. Browne, |
captain; enlisted
Aug. 22, 1862; wounded at Parker's
Cross Roads; resigned June 15, 1864. |
Adolphus Bradfield, |
first lieutenant;
enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; promoted to
captain, June 16, 1864. |
Thomas W. Stiles, |
second lieutenant,
enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; promoted to
captain, July 14, 1863. |
James A. Wright, |
first sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; discharged
Jan. 24, 1864. |
William Anderson, |
seond sergeant;
enlisted May 22, 1862. |
John Lewis, |
third sergeant;
enlisted Aug. 17, 1862; died at
Corinth, Apr. 3, 1863. |
John L. Williamson, |
second corporal;
enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. |
Samuel M. Creger, |
third corporal;
enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. |
Lauren M. Stephens, |
fourth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. |
James L. Parks, |
fifth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; wounded at
Allatoona; discharged July 6, 1865. |
James M. Cord, |
sixth corporal;
enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; died at
Corinth, Feb. 6, 1863. |
Joshua S. Wallace, |
seventh corporal;
enlisted Aug. 17, 1863; discharged
Oct. 30, 1863. |
Page 205 -
Jonathan A. Gordon, |
musician; enlisted
Nov. 1, 1862; discharged Aug. 17,
1863. |
Jonathan Roby, |
musiian; enlisted
Aug. 20, 1863. |
Jackson H. Kale,
wagoner; enlisted
Aug. 20, 1862. |
James Fosher, |
promoted from private
to first corporal, Jan. 11, 1863. |
Baker, Elias, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Baker, John, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Baker, Richard, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; discharged for disability Apr.
6, 1863. |
Beickel, George, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; discharged Aug. 1, 1863. |
Beickel, Michael, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Bradfield, Alvin, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; promoted fifth sergeant, Oct.
25, 1864. |
Bradshaw, David, |
enlisted Feb. 25,
1864; wounded at Allatoona;
transferred to Veteran Reserve
Corps, Apr. 29, 1865. |
Carmichael, Moses A., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Church, Othello, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Clear, John, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Clampett, Richard M., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; transferred to United States
Signal Corps., Mar. 28, 1864. |
Clanton, George, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Clopton, Robert, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; died at Cairo, Nov. 7, 1863. |
Conrad, Timothy, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Creger, James, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; died at Corinth, Aug. 29,
1863. |
Davis, James R., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Fife, Samuel, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Foreman, George W., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; discharged Apr. 8, 1863. |
Fosher, James, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; promoted to first corporal,
Jan. 11, 1863. |
Foster, Reuben J.,
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862, as eighth corporal; discharged
Feb. 17, 1863. |
Gordon, Samuel A., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; discharged Aug. 2, 1863. |
Griffin, John, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Hallgarth, David, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; discharged June 21, 1865. |
Harmon, George, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Henager, John J., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Herren, Henry, |
enlisted Aug.
22,1862. |
Hiatt, Elijah, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Hillen, James, |
enlisted Feb. 29,
1864; killed in action at Allatoona. |
Hollenbeck, Aaron,
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Holmes, Archibald, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Holmes, William W., |
enlisted August,
1862; died at Athens, Alabama, May
8, 1864. |
Hoselton, Purnal,
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; promoted second corporal, Oct.
25, 1864. |
Page 206 -
Hubbard, Martin, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Huglin, John G., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; wounded at Allatoona. |
Keffer, Samuel, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Landon, Daniel J., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Landers, Felix, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Lee, James M., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Martin, James H., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; killed at Allatoona. |
Matthews, S. W., |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
McClellen, Benjamin, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
McConnellee, James, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1863. |
Miller, William, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Miller, Joseph H., |
enlisted Mar. 9,
1863; wounded at Allatoona; died at
Rome, Georgia, of wounds, Oct. 30,
1864. |
Mount, Edward,
enlisted Jan. 25,
1864; wounded at Alatoona. |
Nichols, Amos, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Nickell, Alexander,
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Nickell, Isaac, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; killed in Allatoona. |
Nickle, Robert C., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862, as fifth sergeant; discharged
for disability, Sept. 21, 1863. |
Parker, Ira, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Parker, Isaac, |
enlisted Feb. 22,
1864; killed at Allatoona. |
Robinson, Stephen, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862; |
Robinson, Emery S., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862. |
Roy, Thomas, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Scott, William, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Shannon, Harvey, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads; discharged Aprl. 11, 1864. |
Smith, Newlin,
enlisted Aug. 24,
1862. |
Stafford, James, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; discharged Jan. 26, 1863. |
Sutton, Ezra, |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Searingen, Thomas B., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Thornburg, William, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; wounded at Parker's Cross
Roads. |
Wasson, David N., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Walter, John H., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862. |
Wheat, Jefferson, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Wilkins, William L., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862, as fourth sergeant; promoted
second sergeant Feb. 1, 1864. |
Wilkinson, William
S., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; wounded at parker's Cross
Roads. |
Willis, Thomas, |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; discharged Sept. 21, 1863. |
Young, Charles H., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; discharged Feb. 19, 1863. |
Young, George M., |
enlisted Aug. 22,
1862; captured at Allatoona. |
Young, James, |
enlisted Aug. 17,
1862. |
Young, Thomas C., |
enlisted Aug. 20,
1862; discharged Apr. 18, 1865. |
Asbury Nosler, |
sergeant; promoted from private,
Company E. Aug. 3, 1864. |
Page 207 -
Joseph H. Mack, |
hospital steward;
promoted from private Company E. |
Samuel B. Cherry, |
assistant surgeon. |
John S. Goshorn,
captain; commissioned
June 4, 1864. |
Stiffler, Abraham J., |
second lieutenant;
commissioned June 4, 1864. |
William Bard, Jr., |
first sergeant; May
4, 1864. |
Martin M. Gilleran, |
second sergeant; May
4, 1864. |
Albert B. Stafford, |
third sergeant; May
4, 1864. |
James . Ralston, |
first corporal; May
4, 1864. |
John S. Bard, |
second corporal; May
21, 1864. |
Oliver P. Stafford, |
third corporal; May
4, 1864. |
Thomas Early, |
fourth corporal; May
4, 1864. |
Madison Epperson, |
seventh corporal; May
9, 1864. |
Frederick Cline, |
eighth corporal; May
9, 1864. |
Acheson, Robert R., |
enlisted June 4,
1864. |
Amy, Eugene M., |
enlisted May 9, 1864. |
Amy, John B., |
enlisted May 9, 1864. |
Barker, David P., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Beall, Edward,
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Benedict, William T., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Berry, John H., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Bishop, Milton S., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Bixby, Benjamin F., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Blakeley, Thomas J., |
enlisted May 16,
1864; died at Helena, Arkansas, June
18, 1864. |
Brown, John M., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Bullock, Manville L., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Compton, George, |
enlisted May 29,
1864; died at Helena, Arkansas, July
11, 1864. |
Cooper, Milton D., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Cooper, Warren D., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Crable, John J., |
enlisted May 27,
1864. |
Dabforth, Challen, |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Davis, Peter, |
enlisted May 15,
1864. |
Deuel, Benjamin F., |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Dewey, James H., |
enlisted May 29,
1864. |
Dickson, James, |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Duff, John B., |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Farris, Isaac F., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Flanery, Patrick, |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Foresman, James, |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Foster, Jasper A., |
enlisted May 9, 1864. |
Gamble, Michael, |
enlisted May 20,
1864. |
Page 208 -
Griffin, Henry W., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Haratsook, Salem, |
enlisted May 27,
1864. |
Hendricks, Joshua, |
enlistedMay 4, 1864. |
Hiatt, Elam, |
enlisted May 17,
1864. |
Hindman, Robert, |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Hollingsworth, J. J., |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Kirkland, Samuel, |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Kinkennon, James T., |
enlisted May 4; died
at Helena, July 1, 1864. |
Lamb, John B., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Lathrum, John, |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Lathrop, Dwight, |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Marlow, Eddy,
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Martin, Isaac, |
enlisted May 27,
1864. |
Mack, Joseph H., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
McDonald, Nathaniel, |
enlisted May 4, 1864;
died at Helena, Aug. 13, 1864. |
McLaughlin, F. J., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Pearson, George B., |
enlisted May 6, 1864. |
Poffinbarger, William
C., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Pryoer, Matthew G., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Queen, William H., |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Runkle, John M., |
enlisted May 16,
1864. |
Smith, William W., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Spencer, Philip, |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Wheelock, Solomon B., |
enlisted May 4, 1864. |
Benedict, George W., |
private, enlisted May
2, 1864. |
Riser, William H., |
musician, enlisted
May 27, 1864. |
Carpenter, William
W., |
enlisted June 25,
1864. |
McClellan, George W., |
enlisted July 6,
1864. |
Ford, Franklin, |
enlisted July 4,
1864. |
Howell, Emerson, |
enlisted July 7,
1864. |
Rudrow, E. V., |
enlisted May 21,
1864. |
Dillman, Samuel A., |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1864. |
Eskew, Alexander, |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1864. |
Page209 -
Keebles, William H., |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1864. |
Keys, W. J., |
enlisted Feb. 1,
1864. |
Weekly, Merritt,
enlisted Feb. 24,
1864. |
James D. Jenks, |
first lieutenant;
promoted captain, ay 4, 1862;
promoted major, Feb. 13, 1864. |
William R. Shriver, |
second lieutenant;
enlisted July 31 ,1861; promoted
first lieutenant July 1, 1862;
resigned June 28, 1864. |
Clarence S. Wilson, |
third sergeant;
enlisted June 13, 1861; discharged
Feb. 14, 1863. |
Butler Bird, |
third corporal;
enlisted June 13, 1861; promoted
quartermaster sergeant, July 1,
1862; discharged Feb. 14, 1864 |
William G. Applegate, |
seventh corporal;
enlisted June 13 1861; promoted to
saddler's sergeant, Sept. 1, 1862. |
E. S. Ewing, |
bugler; enlsited June
13, 1861; promoted regular
quartermaster sergeant, Aug. 8,
1861; promoted commissary sergeant,
June 1, 1862; discharged June 31,
1865. |
MIlton C. Carter, |
saddler; enlisted
July 18 1861; discharged Feb. 14,
1863. |
Armstrong, Robert F., |
enlisted Mar. 7,
1864. |
Andress, Harvey D., |
enlisted Feb. 18,
1864. |
Barker, Elihu G., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; discharged to accept promotion
in One Hundred and Thirteenth United
States Infantry, A. D. |
Baxley, Francis M., |
enlisted Feb. 23,
1864. |
Benge, Anderson M., |
enlisted Feb. 16,
1864; promoted saddler, Aug. 15,
1865. |
Bird, James H., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; killed by guerrillas, May 15,
1862, at Butler, Missouri |
Burnett, David D., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; promoted to bugler, Oct. 7,
1861; wounded at Lafayette,
Missouri, Mar. 11, 1862. |
Burnett, David W., |
enlisted July 18,
1861 |
Black, James W., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; discharged Oct. 28, 1861 |
Carter, William C., |
enlisted July 18,
1861. |
Cleland, Thomas M., |
enlisted June 13,
1861. |
Colville, George H., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; died at Sedalia, Missouri,
Nov. 4, 1862. |
Davis, Henry C., |
enlisted June 10,
1863. |
Flanigan, William, |
enlisted Feb. 8,
1864; died of disease, Jan. 31,
1865. |
Graham, Abel, |
enlisted Sept. 2,
1862. |
Page 210 -
Graham, John W., |
enlisted June 13,
1861. |
Graham, William, |
enlisted June 13,
1861; promoted saddler, May 20,
1863. |
Grier, Alvin T., |
enlisted Feb. 15,
18i64. |
Hammon, David, |
enlisted Feb. 23,
1864. |
Harmon, Tilman G., |
enlisted Sept. 14,
1861. |
George, |
enlisted July 18,
1861; died Apr 9, 1863, at Lake
Springs, Indiana. |
Housh, Charles H., |
enlisted Feb. 16,
1864. |
Hunt, Charles W., |
enlisted July 18,
1861. |
Imes, William L., |
enlisted Feb. 27,
1864. |
Johnson, Benjamin R., |
enlisted Sept. 1,
1861. |
Kirk, Jacob W., |
enlisted Feb. 13,
1864. |
Kirkhart, Jacob L., |
enlisted Feb. 1,
1864. |
Lake, Baylis E., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; captured Feb. 23, 1863. |
Lane, William W., |
enlisted Mar.4, 1864 |
Ledington, George W., |
enlisted Feb. 29,
1864. |
Lee, William O., |
enlisted July 28,
1861. |
Ludlow, William O., |
enlisted Sept. 5,
1861. |
McCandless, James K., |
enlisted Sept. 5,
1861. |
Marks, Elias, |
enlisted Feb. 9,
1864. |
Moore, Ephraim, |
enlisted June 15,
1864. |
Peach, Joseph, |
enlisted Feb. 7,
1864. |
Pitzer, John M., |
enlisted June 4,
1864. |
Pursel, William, |
enlisted June 13,
1861; promoted captain Company F,
Fourth Cavalry. |
Read, George, |
enlisted Jne 23,
1861; died at Little Rock, Nov. 23,
1863. |
Reynolds, Joseph K., |
enlisted Sept. 5,
1861. |
Sampson, Carlos E., |
enlisted June 13,
1861; promoted second corporal, Oct.
7, 1861. |
Shannon, James M., |
enlisted May 13,
1863. |
Shannon, Samuel E., |
enlisted July 18,
1861; wounded at Montevallo, Apr.
14, 1862; promoted corporal, but no
vacancy reported. |
Shannon, William, |
enlisted July 18,
1861. |
Shrackengrast, J. W., |
enlisted Feb. 27,
1864. |
Smith, Jackson C., |
enlisted Sept. 5,
1861. |
Thomas, Harvey, |
enlisted July 18,
1861; died at Memphis, Sept. 30,
1863. |
Turk, William M., |
enlisted June13,
1861; promoted to first corporal,
Sept. 1, 1862. |
Wilkin, Matthew W., |
enlisted Sept. 5,
1861. |
Williams, John H., |
enlisted June 13,
1861. |
Wilson, William M., |
enlisted July, 1861. |
Edward W. Raymond, |
sergeant, enlisted Oct. 14, 1861;
promoted from fifth sergeant Company
I; mustered out Feb. 16, 1865. |
Edward W. Raymond, |
sergeant, enlisted Oct. 14, 1861;
promoted from fifth sergeant Company
I; mustered out Feb. 16, 1865. |
Page 211 -
William Pursel,
captain; enlisted
July 1, 1861; resigned Oct. 26,
1864. |
Jesse R. Lambert, |
first lieutenant,
enlisted July 1, 1861; resigned July
2, 1862. |
George W. Caskey, |
third, sergeant;
enlisted Oct. 11, 1861; promoted
second sergeant, February, 1862;
killed in action at Brownsville,
Mississippi, Oct. 18, 1863. |
G. Reynolds, |
sergeant; enlisted Oct. 21, 1861;
promoted third sergeant, February,
1862; discharged June 18, 1862. |
W. Raymond, |
sergeant; enlisted Oct. 14, 1861;
promoted regimental quartermaster
sergeant, Jan. 1, 1862. |
Johnson, |
corporal; enlisted Aug. 10, 1861;
promoted first corporal; transferred
to Invalid Corps, Mar. 5, 1864. |
McConnellee, |
corporal; enlisted Oct 26, 1861;
promoted second corporal Feb. 28,
1862; second lieutenant, Apr. 5,
1863; wounded at Bear Creek,
Mississippi, June 22, 1863;
discharged Mar. 15, 1865. |
S. L.
Montgomery, |
corporal; enlisted Oct. 25, 1861;
promoted third corporal, Feb. 28,
1862; first sergeant, veterans; died
at Memphis, June 15, 1864. |
W. Smalley, |
corporal; enlisted Oct. 21, 1861. |
Early, |
corporal; enlisted Nov. 16, 1861;
promoted fifth sergeant and fourth
sergeant, February, 1862, and third
sergeant, June 1, 1862; second
lieutenant, Apr. 5, 1863; resigned
Mar. 30, 1864. |
M. Hart, |
corporal; enlisted Nov. 5, 1861;
promoted to sixth corporal, Feb. 28,
1862; fourth corporal, June 18,
1862; sixth sergeant, Oct. 18, 1862;
fifth sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862; fourth
sergeant, June 28, 1863; Third
Corps; discharged Sept. 22, 1864. |
Ruby, |
musician; enlisted Oct. 8, 1861. |
M. G.
Bullock, |
corporal; enlisted Oct. 19, 1861;
promoted seventh corporal, Feb. 28,
1862. |
John W.
Dabney, |
enlisted Nov. 18, 1861; promoted
eighth corporal, Oct. 12, 1862;
seventh corporal, Nov. 1, 1862. |
Benge, |
saddler; enlisted Oct. 15, 1861;
discharged for disability, Jan. 24,
1863. |
Allen, Hiram, |
enlisted Nov.21,
1861; discharged Dec. 10, 1862. |
Anderson, John
B., |
enlisted Oct. 14,
1861. |
Applegate, Allen, |
enlisted Mar. 31,
1864. |
Applegate, Andrew, |
enlisted Jan. 8, 1862. |
Beezley, Nathan, |
enlisted Nov. 5, 1861; killed at
Columbus, Georgia, Apr. 16,
1865. |
Beall, Leonard B., |
enlisted Oct. 21, 1861. |
Bell, John J., |
enlisted Nov. 16, 1861; promoted
to third sergeant in 1862;
discharged for disability Jan.
28, 1863. |
Benge, Alfred, |
enlisted Oct. 15, 1861. |
Bird, Thomas M., |
enlisted Oct. 21, 1861; captured
at Black River Bridge, June 22,
1863. |
Page 212 -
Blakeley, Charles W., |
enlisted Oct. 14,
1861; discharged at Batesville,
Arkansas, June 18, 1862. |
Bressler, William H., |
enlisted Oct. 19,
1861. |
Bruce, Francis M., |
enlisted Oct. 24,
1861. |
Campbell, Robert, |
enlisted Oct. 22, 1861; captured at
Helena, Arkansas, Mar. 27, 1863;
wounded at Selma, Alabama, Apr. 2,
1865. |
Cutting, Joseph E., |
enlisted Oct. 11, 1861. |
Collins, Alexander, |
enlisted Oct. 21, 1861. |
Currier, Russell G., |
enlistedOct. 14, 1861; captured at
Black River Bridge, June 22, 1863. |
Dearduff, Edward, |
enlisted Jan. 14, 1862. |
Daniel H., |
enlisted Oct. 19, 1861; discharged
Apr. 5, 1863. |
Foresman, Robert W., |
enlisted Nov. 21, 1861. |
William M., |
enlisted Oct. 23, 1861; promoted
seventh corporal, Oct. 18, 1862;
sixth corporal, June 1, 1863; fifth
sergeant, Jan. 28, 1864; first
sergeant, veterans, July 1, 1864;
accidentally drowned in the Ohio
River, near Elizabethtown, Illinois,
Feb. 11, 1865. |
Chauncey W.; |
enlisted Oct. 11, 1861; promoted to
fourth sergeant, veterans, July 1,
1864. |
George W., |
enlisted Nov. 20, 1861. |
Miles H., |
enlisted Nov. 5, 1861; promoted to
sixth corporal; fifth corporal, Feb.
28, 1862; fourth corporal, June 1,
1862; third corporal, June 18, 1862;
second corporal, Oct. 18, 1862;
fifth sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862; fourth
sergeant, June 28, 1863; fifth
sergeant, veterans, July 1, 1864. |
Hastings, William P., |
enlisted Oct. 14, 1861, as first
sergeant. |
David, |
enlisted Oct. 23, 1861. |
Sylvester, |
enlisted Oct. 21, 1861; discharged
Apr. 13, 1862. |
David, |
enlisted Nov. 14, 1861. |
Stephen, |
enlisted Oct. 8, 1861. |
Johnson, William, |
enlisted Sept. 1, 1862. |
James M., |
enlisted Sept. 17, 1862. |
Alexis, |
enlisted Nov. 16, 1861; captured at
Black River Bridge. |
McConnellee,A., |
enlisted Oct.26, 1861. |
W. H. H., |
enlisted Nov. 16, 1861; died at
Helena, Feb. 26, 1862. |
Macumber, Andrew, |
enlisted Oct. 24, 1861. |
Mahoney, John, |
enlisted Oct. 12, 1861. |
Matthews, Alonzo W., |
enlisted Oct. 24, 1861; died at West
Plains, Missouri, July 1, 1862. |
Samuel, |
enlisted Oct. 25, 1861. |
Needles, A. H., |
enlisted Oct. 16, 1861; promoted
third corporal, June 1, 1862;
discharged June 18, 1862. |
John S., |
enlisted Oct. 11, 1861. |
Parsons, Andrew W. |
enlisted Dec. 1, 1863. |
Pearson, James M., |
enlisted Oct. 25, 1861. |
Enoch, |
enlisted Oct. 26, 1861. |
James j., |
enlisted Oct. 26, 1861; discharged
June 21, 1862. |
John F., |
enlisted Jan. 6, 1862. |
Page 213 -
Phillips, James, |
enlisted Nov. 16,
1861; discharged Apr. 15, 1862. |
Ralston, Robert, |
enlisted Nov. 16,
1861; wounded at Osage River,
Kansas, Nov. 25, 1864. |
Raymond, Myron A., |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1864. |
Read, Thoams,
enlisted Oct. 11,
1861. |
Reed, Evans, |
enlisted Jan. 14,
1862; promoted sixth sergeant, June
1, 1865. |
Rice, Albert, |
Enlisted Oct. 9,
1861; appointed bugler. |
Schweers, John, |
enlisted Sept. 21,
1861. |
Schweers, Reinhardt, |
enlisted Sept. 27,
1862. |
Sowash, Daniel, |
enlisted Mar. 26,
1864; died in camp at Vicksburg,
Apr. 20, 1864. |
Stewart, Thomas, |
enlisted Oct. 14,
1861; captured at Black River
Bridge. |
Wilkinson, Thomas W., |
enlisted Nov. 14,
1863; wounded and captured at
Ripley, Mississippi, June 11, 1864. |
Whipple, Charles H., |
enlisted Nov. 18,
1861. |
Wright, William, |
enlisted Oct. 23,
1861. |
William W. Buchanan, |
first sergeant;
enlisted 1862; promoted first
lieutenant, Nov. 1, 1862; resigned
May 12, 1863. |
Douglas, Isaac P., |
discharged Feb. 7,
1862. |
Dutt, Charles, |
enlisted June 24,
1861; veteranized Company G, Fifth
Cavalry, Jan. 1, 1864. |
Judd, Alexander,
discharged July 29,
1865. |
Sperry, James A., |
enlisted Oct. 15,
1861; appointed regular second
musician; enlisted as private
Company D, Fifth Veteran Cavalry. |
Wolf, Daniel, |
enlisted Oct. 15,
1861. |
Burton, W., |
enlisted Oct. 14,
1863. |
Kendall, James, |
enlisted Oct. 24,
1863; died at Benton Barracks, Mar.
19, 1864. |
Kendall, John, |
enlisted Sept. 19,
1863. |
Matthews, Richard T., |
enlisted Sept. 26,
1863; discharged Aug. 2, 1865. |
Page 214 -
Nickell, James H., |
enlisted Oct. 24,
1863. |
Pearce, Joshua C., |
enliksted Oct. 5,
1863. |
Cooper, Elisha,
enlisted Jan. 4,
1864; died of disease Mar. 7, 1864. |
Cunningham, Thomas
H., |
enlisted Jan. 16,
1864; died before reaching the
battery. |
James, Henry, |
enlisted Mar 25,
1864. |
James, William,
enlisted Dec. 29,
1864. |
Kilner, Franklin, |
enlisted Dec. 13,
1864. |
Lewis, Joseph, |
enlisted Dec. 9,
1863. |
Newman, Charles A., |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1864; died of disease Feb. 11, 1865. |
Newman, Peter S., |
enlisted Jan. 19,
1864. |
Peters, James S., |
enlisted Jan. 1,
1864. |
Atkinson, Alexander, |
enlisted Mar. 28,
1862, Company I, Seventeenth
Infantry. |
Richardson, George
B., |
enlisted Feb. 9,
1864, Company K, Fifteenth Infantry. |
Duckett, Isaiah,
enlisted Aug. 15,
1862, Company I, Twenty-third
Infantry; died at Milliken's Bend,
Louisiana, July 1863. |
Rice, Samuel, |
enlisted Jan. 4,
1864, Company K, Twenty-ninth
Infantry. |
Bachelder, George F. |
enlisted Aug. 4,
1861, Second Infantry, Company D. |
Lynch Andrew, |
enlisted May 4, 1861,
Company D, Second Infantry;
discharged at Bird's Point, Oct. 25,
1861, for mental derangement. |
Bowlsby, William H., |
enlisted Nov. 26,
1864. |
Cook, Frederick M., |
enlisted Dec. 30,
1863. |
Williams, Henry C., |
enlisted Dec. 10,
1864, Twelfth Infantry. |
Weeks, Charles P., |
enlisted Sept. 28,
1864, Thirteenth Infantry. |
Pope, George, |
enlisted Jan. 22,
1864. |
McGar, John, |
enlisted June 11,
1861, Company K, Twenty-second
Illinois. |
Hammer, John H., |
enlisted Aug. 27,
1861, Company I, Twenty-eighth
Illinois. |
Fry, Samuel,
enlisted Sept. 2,
1862, Company H, Eleventh Illinois
Cavalry. |
Duncan, James G., |
enlisted May 4, 1861,
Second Infantry, private; promoted
to sixth corporal May 27, 1861; to
thir sergeant, July 16, 1861; to
second sergeant, Mar. 26, 1862. |
Mason, William B.,
enlisted May 4, 1861,
Company D, Second Infantry. |
Garrett, William, |
private, Company D,
Second Cavalry; enlisted Aug. 2,
1861; veteranized Mar. 1, 1864. |
Page 215 -
Pilgrim, Gerhard, |
Company C, Fourth
Cavalry; enlisted Sept. 27, 1862;
killed July 10, 1864, at Guntown,
Mississippi, in action. |
Schmalzla, Charles, |
enlisted Feb. 2,
1864. |
County's people were among the very firt in the
whole United States to erect a monument to the
soldier dead. The first suggestion for
such a movement appeared in the columns of the
Madisonian from one of its correspondents, but
the County Agricultural Society took the initial
step in furthering the project when, at a
meeting held by its officials in October, 1865,
a "soldiers' monument committee" was organized,
consisting of H. J. B. Cummings,
president; Flora Winkly, secretary; J.
J. Davies, treasurer; together with E. W.
Fuller, Mrs. Mary A. Hutchings, and
Miss Emma McCaughan, executive committee.
Sub-committees were appointed in each township
whose duty it was to solicit contributions for
the memorial shaft. Festivals, lectures
and exhibitions were given in Winterset and in
other localities during the winters of 1865 and
1866 to secure funds for the project, not to
mention school exhibitions and various other
plans. The board of supervisors donated
the old courthouse and jail lots, and when the
jail lot was sold and another lot purchased
adjoining the courthouse lot, a site for the
monument had been secured.
On July 28, 1865, the officers of the Fair Association
announced that they had set apart a portion of
their grounds for the display and sale of
articles to secure funds with which to build the
monument. At the time A. J. Adkinson
was president of the association and J. J.
Davies, secretary. The free department
thus donated was placed in charge of H. J. B.
Cummings, M. R. Tidrick, S. G. Ruby, Miss
Charity Lothrop, Mrs. J. J. Hutchings and
Mrs. D. N. Elliott. The following
township committees were appointed to solicit
funds and adopt other means for securing money
to build the monument:
- Mrs.. W. G. Walker, Mrs. Maggie Jones, Miss
Mary Hutchinson, John T. White.
Crawford. - Mrs.
W. L. Wilkins, Mrs. Jennie Howell, Miss Martha
Gamble, Samuel Eyerly.
Douglas. - Mrs.
George Seevers, Mrs. William Gore, Miss Emma
Brooks, W. S. Harlan.
Grand River. -
Miss AliceLee, Mrs. A. Bonham, Dr. J. H. Mack,
Mrs. D. Craven.
Jackson. -
Margaret Ralston, Mary Stewart, Charlotte Welch,
William Early.
Jefferson. -
Mrs. Chilcoat, Mrs. B. Ballentine, Miss
McDonald, J. K. Mohler.
Lee. - Mrs.
Hagen, Mrs. Captain Johnson, A. J. Burkhead.
Lincoln. - Mrs.
Doctor Leonard, Mrs. Benjamin Titcomb, Miss
Margaret Ruby, E. G. Perkins.
Madison. - Mrs.
P. Sanford, Mrs. Edward Peed, Miss Spray, G. T.
Monroe - Miss
Nancy Ritchie, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Simon Hamblin,
Frank Cochran.
Ohio. - Mrs. R.
J. Creger, Mary Holmes, Mrs. David Bradshaw,
David Evans.
Penn. - Mrs.
Abihu Wilson, Mrs. Kate Francis, Miss L. M.
Darby, Daniel Francis.
Page 216 -
Scott. - Miss Kittie Campbell, Miss E. Prebel, Mrs.
LucindaJohnson, Hugh C. Bird.
South. - Mrs.
Doctor Smith, Mrs. S. P.Thompson, Miss Agnes
Herren, D. S. Smith.
Union. - Mrs. S.
Wells, Miss O. Montgomery, Miss M.
J. McDaniel, P. M. Boyles.
Walnut. - Mrs.
Aaron Hiatt, Mary Compton, Mrs. J. B. Rawls, Dr.
P. Lilly.
Webster. - Mrs.
Otho Davis, Miss Lizzie Ettien, Mrs. Myron
Raymond, David Richmond.
On the
18th day of November, the monument committee met
and "Resolved that a marble be erected on the
Public Square in some locality not to interfere
with the new courthouse, the monument to be not
less than twenty-five feet high and to bear an
inscription of names of all deceased soldiers
who were residents of the county at date of
enlistment, or who have died from results of
service in the war." The estimated amount
to be expended on the monument was $2,500, and
at this time about seven hundred dollars of the
amount had been subscribed.
At a meeting of the general committee, held on July 28,
1866, it was proposed to build a two-story
structure having a hall with marble slabs, or
tablets, inserted in the wall, whereon should be
inscribed the names of deceased soldiers instead
of the monument. However, the sentiment
for a monument eventually prevailed, and there
stands today in the little plot of ground known
as Monument Park, on the corner of Court and
Second streets, a neat shaft twenty feet high,
having a base of native stone, surmounted by a
marble column; suitably inscribed on its faces
are the names ofa Madison County's Civil war
heroes, and it was dedicated to their memory
forever. The dedication took place Oct. 7,
1867, upon which occasion Hon. M. L.
McPherson, then the leading lawyer of this
part of the state, and Dr. William L. Leonard
delivered orations, commemorative of the event.
It should be added that the monument is guarded
at each corner by field piece used in the war
for the preservation of the Union.