Genealogy Express

A Part of Genealogy Express


Welcome to
Sangamon County, Illinois
History & Genealogy



Edited by Newton Bateman, LL. D. & Paul Selby, A. M.,

Vol. II
(Part Two)
Munsell Publishing Company





     The verdict of mankind has awarded to the Muse of History the highest place among the Classic Nine.  The extent of her office, however, appears to be, by many minds, but imperfectly understood.  The task of the historian is comprehensive and exacting.  True history reaches beyond the doings of court or camp, beyond the issue of battles, or the effects of treaties, and records the trials and the triumphs, the failures and the successes of the men who make history.  It is but an imperfect conception of the philosophy of events that fails to accord to portraiture and biography its rightful position as a part and no unimportant part
of historical narrative. Behind and beneath the activities of outward life the motive power lies out of sight, just as the furnace fires that work the piston and keep the ponderous screw revolving are down in the darkness of the hold.  So, the impulsive power which shapes the course of communities may be found in the moulding influences which form its citizens.
     It is no mere idle curiosity that prompts men to wish to learn the private as well as the public lives of their fellows.  Rather is it true that such desire tends to prove universal brotherhood; and the interest in personality and biography is not confined to men of any particular caste or vocation.
     The list of those to whose lot it falls to play a conspicuous part in the great drama of life is comparatively short; yet communities are made up of individuals, and the aggregate of achievements no less than the sum total of human happiness is made up of the deeds of those men and women whose primary aim, through life, is faithfully to perform the duty that comes nearest to hand.  Individual influence upon human affairs will be considered potent or insignificant according to the standpoint from which it is viewed.  To him who, standing upon the seashore, notes the ebb and flow of the tides and listens to the sullen roar of the waves, as they break upon the beach in seething foam, seemingly chafing at their limitations, the ocean appears so vast as to need no tributaries. Yet, without the smallest rill that helps to swell the "Father of Waters," the mighty torrent of the Mississippi would be lessened, and the beneficent influence of the Gulf Stream diminished.  Countless streams, currents and counter currents sometimes mingling, sometimes counteracting each other collectively combine to give motion to the accumulated mass of waters.  So is it and so must it ever be in the ocean of human action, which is formed by the blending and repulsion of currents of thought, of influence and of life, yet more numerous and more tortuous than those which form the "fountains of the deep."  The acts and characters of men, like the several faces that compose a composite picture, are wrought together into a compact or heterogeneous whole.  History is condensed biography; "Biography is History teaching by example."
     It is both interesting and instructive to rise above the generalization of history and trace, in the personality and careers of the men from whom it sprang, the principles and influences, the impulses and ambitions, the labors, struggles and triumphs that engross their lives.
     Here are recorded the careers and achievements of pioneers who, "when the fullness of time had come," came from widely separated sources, some from beyond the sea, impelled by divers motives, little conscious of the import of their acts, and but dimly anticipating the harvest which would spring from the sowing.  They built their primitive homes, toiling for a present subsistence while laying the foundations of private fortunes and further advancement.
     Most of these have passed away, but not before they beheld a development of business and population surpassing the wildest dreams of fancy or expectation.  A few yet remain whose years have passed the alloted three score and ten, and who love to recount, among the cherished memories of their lives, their reminiscences of early days.
     Among these early, hardy settlers, and those who followed them, may be found the names of many who imparted the first impulse to the county's and the city's growth and homelike ness; the many who, through their identification with commercial and agricultural pursuits and varied interests, aided in their material progress; or skilled mechanics who first laid the foundations of beautiful homes and productive industries, and of the members of the learned professions clergymen, physicians, educators and lawyers whose influence upon the Intellectual life and development of a community it is impossible to overestimate.
     Municipal institutions arise; Commerce spreads her sails and prepares the way for the magic of Science that drives the locomotive engine over the iron-rails.  Trade is organized, reaching forth to the shores of the Great Lakes and stretching its arms across the prairies to gather in and distribute the products of the soil.  Church spires rise to express, in architectural form, the faith and aspirations of the people, while schools, public and private, elevate the standards of education and of artistic taste. 
     Here are some of the men through whose labors, faith and thought, these magnificent results have been achieved.  To them and to their co-laborers, the Sangamon County of today stands an enduring monument, attesting their faith, their energy, their courage, and their self-sacrifice.

[The following Items of personal and family history having been arranged in encyclopedic (or alphabetical) order as to
names of the Individual subjects, no special index to this part of the work will be found necessary.)



AARUP, Peter 2 1002
ACKERMAN, Phillip, Jr. 2 1002
ADAMS, Edward 2 1003
ADAMS, James 1 10-11
ADAMS, John Porter 2 1003
ALEXANDER, Milton K. 1 13-14
ALLEN, Alfred M. 2 1004
ALLEN, John 2 1005
ALLISON, Isaac F. 2 1005
AMBROSE, George J. 2 1006
AMRHEIN, Christoph 2 1006
ANDERSON, George W. 2 1007
ANDERSON, L. S. 2 1007
ANDERSON, Tavner 2 1008
ANDERSON, Thomas F. 2 1008
ANDREW, John 2 1009
ANSELL, Oscar 2 1010
APGAR, LeRoy 2 1011
ARMSTRONG, William Henry 2 1011
ARNOLD, George W. 2 1012
ARNOLD, John H. 2 1012
ASH, George W. 2 1013
ATHERTON, Albert, Dr. 2 1014
ATHERTON, Edward Jonathan 2 1014
ATKINS, Palmer 2 1015
ATKINSON, George W. 2 1016
AUZIER, Daniel Jefferson 2 1016
AVOLT, Christopher 2 1017
AYERES, Eugene Morgan 2 1017
BABCOCK, Andrew J. 1 30
BABENEL, Peter 2 1017
BUCHMANN, Carl 2 1018
BARR, Henry J. 2 1018
BAHR, Henry J. 2 1019
BAILHACHE, Arthur Lee 1 31
BAILHACHE, Preston Heath 1 31
BAILACHE, William Henry, Maj. 1 31
BAKER, Edgar 2 1019
BAKER, Edward Dickinson 1 33
BAKER, Edward L. 1 32
BAKER, George C. 2 1020
BAKER, Martin E. 2 1021
BAKER, Peter 2 1021
BAKER, Richard 2 1022
BAKER, William G. 2 1022
BALDWIN, Wesley 2 1023
BALE, William Jacob 2 1023
BALL, Theodore Kellogg 2 1024
BANCROFT, George Robert 2 1024
BANSBACH, Joseph 2 1026
BARBRE, William E. 2 1026
BARKLEY, James Henry 2 1026
BARNES, Carey E. 2 1027
BARNES, John 2 1028
BARNES, Robert A. 2 1028
BARNES, William James 2 1029
BARNETT, Alexander Miller 2 1029
BARTLETT, John W. 2 1030
BASFORD, Isaac 2 1031
BATEMAN, NEwton, Dr. 1 37
BATES, Erastus Newton 1 39
BAUMANN, George 2 1031
BAUMGARTNER, John 2 1032
BAXTER, Albert Crum 2 1032
BAYLESS, Alfred 1 39
BEAM, John Lewis 2 1033
BEARD, Josiah 2 1034
BEASON, Joseph C. 2 1035
BECK, Robert 2 1035
BECKER, Charles D. 2 1036
BECKER, Louis 2 1036
BECKER, Oscar 2 1037
BECRAFT, George W. 2 1037
BEEBY, William 2 1038
BEECHER, William Edward 2 1038
BEERBOWER, James M. 2 1039
BEERUP, William 2 1039
BELL, Benoni 2 1040
BELL, Lu Mildred 2 1040
BENDER, Victor E. 2 1040
BENNETT, Charles W. 2 1041
BENNETT, Harry 2 1041
BERGEN, Augustus W. 1 45
BERGEN, Charles Henry 2 1042
BERGMANN, John 2 1042
BERGNER, HErman F. 2 1043
BERRIMAN, George R. 2 1043
BERRY, James 2 1044
BERRY, Riland Dillard 2 1044
BEST, Ernest 2 1044
BEST, Robert 2 1045
BETTINGHAUS, Henry 2 1045
BEVERIDGE, James H. 1 46
BEVERIDGE, John L. 1 46
BEYER, Conrad 2 1045
BIESENTHAL, Charles A. 2 1046
BIESENTHAL, Fred 2 1046
BIGLER, Cyrus Wineman 2 1047
BILYEU, Edward 2 1047
BILYEU, Peter 2 1048
BIRD, Lewis Elmer 2 1048
BIRNBAUM, John 2 1049
BISCH, Charles T. 2 1049
BISSELL, William H. 1 48
BLACK, Frank P. 2 1050
BLACK, George N. 2 1052
BLACK, Henry Clay 2 1053
BLACK, John Williams 2 1053
BLAIR, Francis Grant 2 1054
BLAKELY, George 2 1055
BLAKESLEY, S. F. 2 1055
BLEDSOE, Albert Taylor 1 52
BLESER, Jacob 2 1056
BODE, Franz 2 1056
BOGGS, Joseph 2 1057
BOLTE, Henry L. 2 1057
BOOKER, John B. 2 1058
BOOTH, Amasa S. 2 1059
BORLAND, Royal Sheldon 2 1059
BOTTORFF, Charles 2 1060
BOWE, William Henry 2 1060
BOWERS, Clark 2 1061
BOYLE, William 2 1061
BOYNTON, Ervin D. 2 1062
BRADFORD, William Austin 2 1063
BRADSHAW, Elijah 2 1063
BRANSON, Edward R. 2 1064
BRAYMAN, Mason 1 59
BREESE, Sidney Smith 2 1064
BRENNAN, James 2 1066
BRENAN, Owen J. 2 1066
BRENNAN, Patrick 2 1067
BRETZ, John 2 1067
BREWER, James 2 1068
BRIMBARGER, John 2 1069
BRINKERHOFF, George Madoc 2 1069
BRITT, Henry 2 1070
BRITTIN, Ernest H. 2 1071
BROADWELL, Norman M. 1 60
BROCKEL, John W. 2 1071
BROIDA, David 2 1072
BRONSON, Augustus I. 2 1072
BROOKS, Andrew Mears 2 1073
BROOKS, Eliza Johnson (Welch), Mrs. 2 1073
BROOKS, James F. 2 1074
BROWN, Benjamin S. 2 1074
BROWN, George H. 2 1075
BROWN, Harmon 2 1076
BROWN, Jacob 2 1076
BROWN, James N. 1 61
BROWN, William 2 1077
BROWNBACK, Charles E., 2 1078
BROWNING, Alfred M. 2 1078
BRUCE, Francis H. 2 1079
BRUESTLE, John J. 2 1080
BRUNK, Charles Allen 2 1080
BRUNK, Jacob Orange 2 1081
BRUNNER, Fred. 2 1081
BRUNS, Frederick 2 1082
BRYANT, William Marion 2 1083
BUCHANAN, Nathaniel James 2 1083
BUCK, Thomas J., Prof. 2 1084
BUCKLES, Joseph L. 2 1084
BUCKLEY, Henry Peck 2 1085
BULLOCK, William A. 2 1086
BULLOUGH, William 2 1086
BUNCH, David S. 2 1086
BUNN, Jacob 1 66
BUNSEN, Albert Charles 2 1087
BUNTING, William C. 2 1087
BURKHARDT, Herman F. 2 1088
BURKHARDT, John M. 2 1088
BURNHART, William 2 1089
BURNS, Barney 2 1089
BURNS, John E. 2 1090
BURNS, Paul George 2 1090
BURNS, Thomas J. 2 1091
BURR, Thomas 2 1091
BURT, Alfred Hall 2 1092
BURTON, John David 2 1093
BUTLER, Isaac E. 2 1094
BUTLER, William 1 70
BUTLER, William Joseph 2 1095
BUTTERLEY, Stephen 2 1095
BUTZMAN, Charles F. 2 1095
BYERS, Jacob C. 2 1096
BYRON, W. D. 2 1096
CALDWELL, Ben F., Hon. 2 1097
CALDWELL, David 2 1098
CALDWELL, James E. 2 1099
CALDWELL, OthoLouis 2 1099
CALHOUN, John 1 73
CALHOUN, William J. 1 73
CALKINS, Hiram C. 2 1100
CAMPBELL, Alexander 2 1100
CAMPBELL, Antrim 1 76
CAMPBELL, Ernest Lee 2 1100
CAMPBELL, George Bunn 2 1101
CAMPBELL, John H. 2 1102
CAMPBELL, Maxwell McClennan 2 1103
CAMPBELL, William 2 1104
CAMPBELL, William 2 1105
CAMPBELL, William Van Buren 2 1106
CANFIELD, Charles W. 2 1106
CANFIELD, Erastus D. 2 1107
CANHAM, John 2 1108
CANTRALL, Zebulon Graham 2 1109
CAPPS, Jebez 1 78
CAREY, John M. 2 1109
CARMEAN, Robert 2 1110
CARNES, Alexander L. 2 1110
CARSON, John M. 2 1111
CARSON, William P. 2 1111
CARSWELL, Thomas 2 1112
CARTER, Darius 2 1112
CARTMELL, Marion 2 1113
CARTWRIGHT, Peter 1 82
CARTWRIGHT, William 2 1113
CARVER, Albert 2 1114
CARVER, Felix 2 1114
CARVER, Margarite Mae. 2 1114
CARVER, Frank 2 1114
CARY, Albert Ross 2 1115
CASLICK, Nicholas 2 1115
CASSERLEIGH, Peter 2 1116
CATLIN, Malcolm 2 1117
CHAMBERS, James, Jr. 2 1117
CHAPMAN, J. S. 2 1118
CHESNUT, John A. 1 89
CHILD, John L. 2 1118
CHILDERS, William 2 1119
CHRISTMAN, Peter 2 1120
CLANCY, Michael 2 1120
CLAPP, Charles Franklin 2 1121
CLARK, Edward O. 2 1122
CLARK, HEnry R. 2 1122
CLARK, James L. 2 1123
CLASPILL, Samuel H. 2 1124
CLAUS, Joseph 2 1124
CLAYTON, John Franklin 2 1125
CLEMENTS, Henry D. 2 1125
CLEMENTS, Zakery T. 2 1126
CLENDENIN, Henry Wilson 2 1126
COBERLY, Jobe 2 1129
CODY, John 2 1130
COE, John C. 2 1130
COE, Samuel Jacob 2 1131
COE, William 2 1132
COGDAL, Thomas Jefferson 2 1132
COHEN, Samuel N. 2 1133
COHN, Annie, Mrs. 2 1134
COLBURN, George Paul 2 1134
COLBURN, Henry William 2 1134
COLBURN, Levi Otis 2 1135
COLEMAN, James W. 2 1136
COLGAN, Eugene 2 1137
COLLINS, Harry 2 1138
COLLINS, James Joseph 2 1139
COLLINS, Joseph Henry 2 1139
CONKLING, Clinton Levering 2 1140
CONKLING, James C. 1 116
CONKLING, William 2 1141
CONNELLY, Terrence 2 1142
CONNOLLY, James A., Major 2 1142
CONROY, Martin 2 1143
CONVERSE, Albert L. 2 1143
COOK, John, Gen. 1 120
COOK, John F. 2 1144
COOLEY, Charles H. 2 1145
COONS, James 2 1145
COOPER, David D. 2 1146
COOPER, Robert V. 2 1147
COPPLE, Jacob 2 1147
CORDES, Michel 2 1148
CORRELL, Charles David 2 1148
COULTER, Earl C. 2 1149
COUNCIL, Alvin 2 1149
COUNCIL, Emerson 2 1150
COX, Thomas 2 1151
COX, Thomas 1 123
CRAIG, James Newton 2 1151
CRANE, James L. 1 605
CRAWLEY, James 2 1151
CREAMER, Patrick 2 1152
CRISSEY, Stephen T. 2 1153
CRISSEY, William Henry 2 1153
CROOK, Alija Robinson 2 1154
CROWDER, James H. 2 1154
CROWDER, Thomas Jefferson 2 1155
CROWDER, William A. 2 1156
CRUDDEN, Patrick 2 1156
CULLOM, Shelby M. 1 125
CUMBERWORTH, George H. 2 1156
CUMMINGS, Joseph 2 1157
CUMMINGS, Peter 2 1157
CURRIER, Mary Priest, Mrs. 2 1158
CURRIER, Silas Wright 2 1158
DALBEY, James E. 2 1159
DAMKUS, Joseph K. 2 1159
DANIEL, Nathan T. 2 1159
DANIELS, James M. 2 1160
DASHER, Edwin Huston, Sr. 2 1161
DAVIDSON, George W. 2 1161
DAVIDSON, Samuel 2 1162
DAVIES, Morgan A. 2 1162
DAVIS, James E. 2 1163
DAVIS, James W. 2 1164
DAVIS, John 2 1164
DAVIS, J. McCan. 2 1165
DAVISON, James 2 1166
DAWLEY, Joseph C. 2 1166
DAWSON, Henry M. 2 1166
DAWSON, James H. 2 1167
DAWSON, John 2 1167
DAWSON, John 1 129
DAY, Edward Chester 2 1168
DAY, John W. 2 1169
DEDRICH, Frederick 2 1169
DeFRATES, James 2 1169
DE FRATES, Manuel 2 1170
DE FRATES, Manuel 2 1171
DeFRATIS, John 2 1171
DeGAN, George A. 2 1171
DEICKEN, Adolph F. 2 1172
DE JONG, Gerhard 2 1172
DEMENT, Henry Dodge 2 1173
DENEEN, Charles Samuel 2 1173
DENNEY, James 2 1174
DENTON, Preston 2 1175
DERRY, James S. 2 1176
De SILVA, Emanuel 2 1176
DE SOUZA, Canada B. 2 1177
DE SOUZA, Manuel 2 1177
DE SYLVER, John 2 1178
DICKMANN, Casper 2 1178
DILLARD, R. Martin 2 1179
DILLER, Isaac Roland 2 1179
DILLON, Ebenezer B. 2 1180
DILLON, Thomas M. 2 1181
DOAN, George Franklin 2 1181
DODD, James E. 2 1182
DOENGES, Lewis A. 2 1183
DOERFLER, John 2 1183
DONELAN, Michael 2 1184
DONNELLY, John 2 1184
DONOVAN, Michael 2 1185
DORAN, Patrick 2 1185
DORWIN, Harry F. 2 1186
DOTY, Nathan 2 1186
DOUGLAS, Stephen A. 1 135
DOWIS, William H. 2 1187
DOWLING, James E. 2 1187
DRAKE, HEnry B. 2 1188
DRENNAN, John Walter 2 1189
DRESCH, John 2 1189
DRESSER, Charles 1 137
DRISKELL, Joseph 2 1190
DROHAN, Edward 2 1190
DUBINSKY, Jack 2 1190
DUBOIS, Jesse Kilgore 1 137
DUFFIELD, William Henry 2 1191
DUMMER, Henry E. 1 606
DUNAWAY, Charles Newton 2 1191
DUNAWAY, William E. 2 1192
DUNCAN, Elizabeth 2 1192
DUNCAN, Milton 2 1192
DUNKEL, David Albert 2 1193
DUNKEL, John Thomas 2 1194
DUNKEL, Milton 2 1195
DUNLAP, Alexander 2 1196
DUNLAP, James R. 2 1196
DUNLAP, Stephen Douglas 2 1197
DUNN, Ivan Stephen 2 1197
DWYER, William 2 1198
EASLEY, James Ambrose 2 1198
EASLEY, Robert Henry 2 1199
EBE, Sofer 2 1199
EDSALL, James Kirtland 1 147
EDWARDS, Benjamin Stephenson 2 1200
EDWARDS, Benjamin Stephenson 1 153
EDWARDS, James B. 2 1200
EDWARDS, Ninian Wirt 1 152
EDWARDS, Richards 1 153
EGAN, Edward Francis 2 1201
EIFERT, David 2 1201
EILENBERGER, William 2 1202
ELKIN, Charles N. 2 1202
ELKIN, William F. 1 157
ELLIOTT, Alexander 2 1203
ELLIS, Joel H. 2 1203
ELSHOFF, Anton 2 1205
ENGLISH, Benajah R. 2 1205
ENOS, Pascal Paoli 1 158
ERMANN, Anton 2 1206
ERNST, John Alexander 2 1207
ERNST, William Franklin 2 1207
ESTILL, William John 2 1208
ESTROP, Richard 2 1208
EVANS, John T. 2 1209
EVERHART, George William 2 1209
PAGAN, James K. 2 1210
FAGAN, William G. 2 1211
FAIN, William S. 2 1211
FAITH, John W. 2 1212
FARGO, William 2 1212
FARLEY, John 2 1212
FARNSWORTH, James 2 1213
FARRANT, Thomas Martin 2 1213
FAUSSAUER, Frederick 2 1214
FAUSER, Konrad 2 1214
FAWCETT, D. Frank 2 1214
FAWCETT, J. W. 2 1215
FERGUSON, Benjamin Hamilton 2 1215
FERNANDES, Joseph 2 1216
FERO, Ira W. 2 1216
FERREIRA, Isaac 2 1216
FERREIRA, John H. 2 1217
FERRIS, George D. 2 1217
FERRY, George P. 2 1218
FERRY, John T. 2 1218
FETZER, John P. 2 1219
FEUERBACH, John 2 1220
FEUERBACHER, Frederick 2 1220
FIELD, Alexander Pope 1 164
FIELDS, James H. 2 1221
FINK, Edward A. 2 1221
FINK, Frank C., Dr. 2 1222
FISHERKELLER, Lewis 2 1222
FITZGERALD, John J. 2 1223
FITZGERALD, Maurie 2 1223
FITZPATRICK, Martin 2 1224
FITZPATRICK, Patrick 2 1224
FLATT, Charles Samuel 2 1225
FLEMING, Matthew 2 1225
FLETCHER, Benjamin F. 2 1226
FLETCHER, Francis D. 2 1227
FLETCHER, Preston B. 2 1227
FLETCHER, Ruffin D. 2 1228
FLEURY, Frank 2 1230
FLOYD, Isaac 2 1230
FOLEY, Enoch 2 1230
FOLEY, John 2 1231
FORD, Edward 2 1231
FORQUER, George 1 169
FORSTER, Thomas 2 1232
FORTH, Charles J. 2 1232
FORTHMAN, William H. 2 1232
FORTMAN, John 2 1233
FOSSETT, Jonathan E. 2 1233
FOSTER, George W. 2 1234
FOSTER, Hubbard C. 2 1234
FOSTER, Jacob F. 2 1235
FOSTER, SAmuel Lewis 2 1236
FOUTCH, Hugh 2 1236
FOWLER, Charles C. 2 1237
FOX, Charles W. 2 1238
FOX, James R. 2 1239
FOX, Samuel C. 2 1239
FOX, Smith 2 1240
FRANCIS, James S. 2 1240
FRANCIS, Joseph 2 1241
FRANCIS, Simeon 1 175
FRANKS, John 2 1242
FREEMAN, Norman L. 2 1242
FREIDINGER, Henry 2 1243
FREISCHLAG, Joseph 2 1243
FREITAG, Charles 2 1244
FRENCH, Augustus C. 1 176
FRESE, Adolf G. 2 1245
FREY, John 2 1245
FRY, Dominick 2 1246
FUDGE, Adam Thomas 2 1246
FUNDERBURK, William Braden 2 1247
FUNKHOUSER, Charles Eibert 2 1247
GADERT, John 2 1248
GAEDE, Charles W. 2 1248
GAFFIGAN, Michael 2 1248
GAINES, David 2 1249
GALLAGHER, Ptrick 2 1249
GALLIGAN, Bart 2 1250
GALYEN, George E. 2 1250
GAMBLE, Ezra 2 1251
GARDNER, William P. 2 1252
GARMAN, William 2 1253
GARNER, Thomas G. 2 1253
GARREN, John W. 2 1253
GARVEY, J. Walter 2 1254
GARVEY, Patrick 2 1255
GATHARD, Malon 2 1255
GATTON, Walter T. 2 1256
GAUL, George M. 2 1256
GEDMAN, Charles 2 1256
GEHLMAN, Samuel Henry 2 1257
GEHRMANN, Charles A. 2 1257
GIBSON, David L. 2 1258
GIBSON, John T. 2 1259
GIESE, Gustav 2 1259
GIGER, Henry Douglas 2 1260
GILBERT, A. D. 2 1260
GILBERT, Edward 2 1261
GILLETT, Joseph E. 2 1261
GLAREN, Maurice 2 1262
GLEASON, James M. 2 1262
GOLDFUSS, William 2 1263
GOMES, Eli 2 1263
GOMES, John 2 1263
GOODPASTURE, Levi D. 2 1264
GOODSON, L. Jay 2 1264
GORDON, Marion L. 2 1265
GOREY, John Patrick 2 1265
GORMAN, William 2 1266
GRAHAM, James M. 2 1266
GRANT, Ulysses S. 1 206
GRAVES, Samuel L., Jr. 2 1267
GREENAWALT, George W. 2 1267
GREENAWALT, Leroy 2 1268
GREENE, Henry S. 1 208
GREENWALT, John Thomas 2 1268
GRIESSER, Conrad 2 1270
GRIFFIN, Mary, Mrs. 2 1270
GRIFFITH, Benjamin M. 2 1270
GRIFFITH, Alice A., Mrs. 2 1272
GRIFFITH, Ben Barrett 2 1273
GROSS, William L. 1 212
GROSSELL, Michael 2 1273
GROTH, Wilhelm, Sr. 2 1273
GROVE, G. R. 2 1274
GUNDY, Nathaniel 2 1274
GUY, David Franklin 2 1275
GUYMAN, Ralph A. 2 1276
HACKETT, Daniel J. 2 1276
HAEGELE, Patrick 2 1277
HAGAMAN, Thomas 2 1277
HAINES, John C. Fremont 2 1278
HALE, Albert 1 215
HALL, David S. 2 1278
HALL, Edward Augustus 2 1279
HALL, Thomas 2 1280
HALL, Thomas R. 2 1280
HALLAHAN, Daniel O'D. 2 1280
HAMILTON, Frank H. 2 1280
HAMILTON, John M. 1 217
HAMILTON, Lloyd F. 2 1282
HAMILTON, William S. 1 217
HAMMAN, Samuel 2 1282
HAMMON, Charles Henry 2 1283
HAMMON, George 2 1283
HANES, Urias 2 1284
HANKS, John 1 219
HANLEY, John Henry 2 1284
HANSON, Frederic A. 2 1285
HAPPER, Andrew F. 2 1285
HARBAUGH, Edward 2 1286
HARBERT, Samuel M. 2 1287
HARBOLD, Jacob 2 1287
HARGITT, William P. 2 1287
HARLOW, George H. 1 221
HARNSBERGER, John Jacob 2 1288
HARRIS, Mary Bell 2 1289
HARRISON, James 2 1289
HARRISON, John Q. 2 1290
HART, George W. 2 1291
HARTMAN, Thomas Francis 2 1291
HARTMANN Brothers 2 1292
HARWOOD, William T. 2 1292
HASELRIG, William A. 2 1293
HATCH, Ozias M. 1 224
HATTON, Joseph 2 1294
HAY, John 2 1294
HAY, John 1 225
HAY, Logan 2 1295
HAY, Milton 1 226
HAYES, Joseph W. 2 1296
HAYES, Michael 2 1297
HAYNES, Roscoe A. 2 1297
HAYNIE, Isham N. 1 227
HAYS, James 2 1298
HEBERLING, Thomas H. 2 1298
HEIDLER, Samuel H. 2 1299
HENDRICKS, Joseph 2 1299
HENKEL, Henry Bailey 2 1300
HENKLE, Jake S. 2 1300
HENKLE, Thomas Condell 2 1301
HENRY, George Washington 2 1301
HENRY, James D. 1 230
HENSLEY, William Sherman 2 1302
HERMAN, George W. 2 1302
HERNDON, Archer G. 1 230
HERNDON, Isaac William 2 1303
HERNDON, William H. 1 230
HERRING, Henry 2 1304
HERTEL, George 2 1304
HERTZ, Henry L. 1 231
HESSER, John L. 2 1305
HICKEY, Patrick 2 1305
HICKEY, Timothy 2 1306
HICKS, Lafayette Washington 2 1306
HIGGINS, Owen 2 1307
HIGGINS, William 2 1307
HIMMELSBACH, Frank 2 1308
HINRICHSEN, William H. 1 234
HOFFMAN, George 2 1308
HOFFMAN, George 2 1309
HOFFMAN, Philip 2 1309
HOLLIS, John W. 2 1310
HOOD, Thomas 2 1310
HOOPER, William W. 2 1311
HOPKINS, Leon P. 2 1312
HOPPER, Hugh 2 1312
HORCH, Moritz 2 1313
HORN, James W. 2 1313
HORN, Walter J. 2 1314
HORNBAKER, John 2 1314
HOUGH, Francis M. 2 1314
HOUSER, Joseph 2 1315
HOUSTON, Miletus C. 2 1315
HOWARD, Michael James 2 1316
HOWARD, Patrick 2 1317
HOWARD, Thomas D. 2 1317
HOWARD, William Michael 2 1318
HOWARD, William W. 2 1319
HOWENSTINE, Henry 2 1319
HOWETT, James 2 1319
HOWITT, Henry 2 1320
HOWITT, John T. 2 1320
HOWLETT, Lewis 2 1321
HOWLETT, William M. 2 1321
HUBBS, Joshua 2 1322
HUBER, Fred Delos 2 1322
HUBER, William Harrison 2 1323
HUCKELBERRY, Eli L. 2 1324
HUCKELBERRY, William H. 2 1324
HUDSON, Andrw J. 2 1325
HUFFMAN, William 2 1325
HUGHES, William 2 1326
HUIER, John Henry 2 1326
HULBERT, John 2 1326
HUMPHREY, J. Otis 2 1327
HUMPHREYS, Joseph A. 2 1328
HUNT, George 1 239
HUNTER, Al 2 1328
HUNTER, Albion 2 1328
HUNTER, George W. 2 1329
HUNTER, Hugh 2 1330
HUNTER, John B. 2 1330
HUNTER, John W. 2 1331
HUNTER, Peter James 2 1331
HUNTER, William D. 2 1332
HUNTER, Walter E. 2 1333
HUNTINGTON, George Lathrop 2 1333
HURT, David M. 2 1333
IDE, Albert L. 2 1334
IDE, Henry 2 1336
ILES, Elijah 1 286
ILES, Washington Thomas 2 1336
INGLEDEW, Thomas 2 1337
INGELS, Nathaniel H. 2 1337
INGLIS, Samuel M. 1 297
INGRAM, James 2 1337
INSLEE, N. J. 2 1338
IRWIN, Adolphus Qintin 2 1338
IRWIN, James H. 2 1339
ISHMAEL, Frederick Worth Peden 2 1340
JACKAWAY, William 2 1340
JACKSON, Charles 2 1341
JACKSON, John A. 2 1341
JACOBS, James A. 2 1342
JACOBS, John 2 1343
JACOBS, Taylor 2 1343
JANSSEN, Johanna, Mrs. 2 1344
JARRETT, Thomas Lewis 2 1344
JAYNE, Gershom 1 303
JAYNE, William 2 1344
JAYNE, William 1 304
JEFFERIES, Naran Allen 2 1345
JENKISN, Chauncey Hobart 2 1346
JENKINS, William 2 1346
JERALD, Clarence H. 2 1346
JOHNSON, Francis S. 2 1347
JOHNSON, James D. 2 1347
JOHNSON, James P. 2 1348
JOHNSON, John 2 1349
JOHNSON, Niels R. 2 1349
JOHNSTON, James H. 2 1350
JONES, Elijah 2 1350
JONES, George W. 2 1351
JONES, Oscar D. 2 1351
JONES, Owen W. 2 1352
JONES, SAmuel T. 2 1352
JORDAN, Elsie P., Mrs. 2 1353
JORDAN, Jacob 2 1353
JORDAN, Winfield S. 2 1354
JUDD, George 2 1354
JUDD, Marquis L. 2 1355
JUDD, Rezin A. V. 2 1355
KABURECK, George 2 1356
KANE, Charles P. 2 1356
KANE, William 2 1357
KAVANAUGH, Daniel 2 1357
KAVANAUGH, Michael 2 1358
KAYLOR, John 2 1358
KECK< Simeon 2 1359
KEELING, Squire 2 1360
KELLEY, John Q. 2 1360
KELLEY, Matthew 2 1361
KELLY, Frank Joseph 2 1361
KELLY, James Yateman, Jr. 2 1362
KEMMERER, James W. 2 1362
KENNEDY, Thoma 2 1363
KENNEY, John 2 1363
KENNEY, Thomas J. 2 1364
KESSERGER, A. W. 2 1364
KESSLER, Charles W. 2 1365
KESSLER, George 2 1366
KETTERER, Joseph M. 2 1366
KEYS, George E. 2 1367
KIDD, Robert R. 2 1367
KING, Ira George 2 1368
KING, John W. 2 1368
KING, Stephen Jones 2 1368
KIRLIN, Bernard M. 2 1369
KLINTWORTH, Henry 2 1370
KOCH, Casper 2 1370
KOERNER, Gustavus 1 321
KOHL, John 2 1371
KORNACK, August 2 1371
KRAMER, Jacob 2 1372
KRAMER, John E. 2 1372
KREIDER, George N. 2 1373
KREIGH, Elie M., Jr. 2 1373
KREKENBERG, Carl 1 875
KRESS, Philip 2 1374
KRESTHNER, Conrad 2 1374
KRIMMEL, Charles F. 2 1375
KRUGER, Nick 2 1376
KUHN, August 2 1376
KUHN, Michael 2 1376
KUPISCH, August 2 1377
KUSSMAUL, William F. 2 1377
KUTSCHER, Henry 2 1378
LADAGE, Fred William 2 1378
LAIRD, Florus Alva 2 1379
LAKE, John Spencer 2 1379
LAMB, James L. 1 327
LAMBERT, Edmund 2 1380
LAMKEN, John D. 2 1380
LAMOND, Charles Edgar 2 1381
LAMUN, John 2 1381
LANAHAN, Edward J. 2 1382
LANPHIER, Charles H. 1 328
LARSON, Peter B. 1 328
LAUTERBACH, John 2 1383
LAW, Mathew 2 1383
LAW, Thomas 2 1384
LAWLEY, James P. 2 1384
LAWSON, James 2 1385
LAWSON, John 2 1385
LAWYER, John W. 2 1386
LAX, Prosser M. 2 1386
LEADABRAND, Henry 2 1387
LEAMONS, John 2 1387
LEHNEN, John P. 2 1388
LENGENFELDER, Andreas 2 1388
LENHART, Valentine 2 1389
LENZ, Albert David 2 1389
LENZ, Frank Joseph 2 1389
LENZ, Valentine 2 1390
LEONARD, Edward F. 1 333
LEUTENMAYER, Maximillian 2 1390
LIGHTFOOT, Gabriel M. 2 1391
LINCOLN, Abraham 1 337
LINCOLN, Robert Todd 1 338
LIPPINCOTT, Charles E. 1 339
LISTMAN, John 2 1391
LITTLE, Samuel N. 2 1392
LITTLEJOHN, James 2 1392
LITTLER, David T. 1 341
LITTLETON, Walter Franklin 2 1393
LTTREL, William 2 1393
LOCHRIDGE, Robert Henry 2 1394
LOEB, William 2 1394
LOGAN, Stephen Trigg 1 343
LOGAN, Thomas Dale 2 1395
LONERGAN, John 2 1396
LONG, Alexander P. 2 1396
LONG, Fred W. 2 1396
LOOMIS, Webner E. 2 1397
LOPER, Harry T. 2 1400
LORD, John Henry 2 1400
LORTON, Albert Perry 2 1401
LOVING, John H. 2 1402
LOVING, Levi 2 1403
LUCAS, George T. 2 1404
LUCAS, Reuben 2 1404
LUECK, Herman 2 1405
LUPTON, Julius W. 2 1405
LUTRICKS, John, Jr. 2 1406
LUTYENS, Henry 2 1406
LYONS, Euclid F. 2 1407
MACDONALD, John 2 1407
MAGGENTI, Joseph 2 1408
MAHER, William James 2 1409
MAHONEY, James Anthony 2 1409
MAHR, John 2 1409
MAISEL, John 2 1410
MAISENBACHER, John Fred 2 1410
MAJOR, George 2 1411
MALONEY, Jerry James 2 1411
MALONEY, John Douglas 2 1412
MALONEY, William 2 1412
MAMBACH, William 2 1413
MANN, Henry T. 2 1413
MANN, John H. 2 1414
MANN, Samuel A. 2 1414
MARLOWE, William, Jr. 2 1415
MARLOWE, William 2 1415
MARSH, Frank Hewett 2 1416
MARSHALL, Andrw J. 2 1416
MARSHALL, Elizabeth Viola 2 1416
MARSHALL, Samuel Henry 2 1417
MARTIN, George B. 2 1417
MARTIN, Green W. 2 1418
MARTIN, John HErbert 2 1419
MARTIN, Joseph W. 2 1419
MARTINAITS, George 2 1420
MAR, Jacob 2 1420
MASON, Henry Howland 2 1420
MASSEY, John 2 1421
MATHENY, Charles R. 2 1421
MATHENY, Charles R. 1 355
MATHENY, Noah W. 2 1422
MATHENY, James H. 2 1422
MATHENY, Charles W. 2 1423
MATHENY, Elijah Cook, 2 1424
MATHENY, James H., Jr. 2 1424
MATHENY, Edward D. 2 1424
MATHER, Thomas 1 356
MATTESON, Joel A. 1 356
MATTHEW, Luther F. 2 1424
MAXCY, James R. 2 1425
MAY, Ethan Palmer 2 1425
MAY, William 2 1426
MAY, William I. 1 357
MAYER, Jacob 2 1426
McCALISTER, James 2 1427
McCALISTER, Scott 2 1427
McCART, Thomas 2 1427
McCARTHY, James 2 1428
McCARTHY, John C. 2 1429
MCCARTNEY, James 1 358
McCLERNAND, John Alexander 2 1429
McCLERNAND, John A. 1 359
McCLINTOCK, William Jay 2 1431
McCLURE, John W. 2 1432
McCONNELL, Edward 2 1433
McCONNELL, John 2 1433
McCONNELL, Robert Simpson 2 1433
McCORMACK, John 2 1434
McCOY, Joseph C. 2 1434
McCOY, Sylvester J. 2 1434
McCOY, William Franklin 2 1436
McCULLOUGH, James S. 2 1437
McDOLE, John 2 1437
McELFRESH, Charles Henry 2 1437
McELROY, William N. 2 1438
McEWEN, Jacob H. 2 1439
McFARLAND, John D. 2 1439
McGILLICK, John 2 1440
McGINNIS, Bridget, Mrs. 2 1440
McGIVNEY, Michael 2 1441
McGOVERN, John James 2 1441
McGOWAN, Frank M. 2 1442
McGRATH, Thomas C. 2 1442
McGRAW, Daniel 2 1443
McGRUE, Harry O. 2 1443
McGRUE, Oliver 2 1443
McGUIRE, Robert L. 2 1444
McINTIRE, James W. 2 1445
McKEE, Charles C. 2 1445
McKEE, George W. 2 1446
McKEE, James Lemuel 2 1446
McKEE, Leta Lorena 2 1447
McKEE, Noah 2 1447
McKENZIE, Joseph 2 1447
McKINNEY, Hugh 2 1447
McLACHLAN, John 2 1448
McLAUGHLIN, Christopher 2 1449
McLEAN, A. H. 2 1449
McMURRAY, Thomas B. 2 1450
McMURRY, Thomas 2 1450
McPHERSON, Georgiana, Mrs. 2 1451
McTAGGART, A. T. 2 1451
McTAGGART, Charles D. 2 1451
McTAGGART, Walter Neil 2 1452
MEACHAM, John M. 2 1452
MEREDITH, Clarence B. 2 1453
MERKLIN, Charles 2 1453
MERRIAM, Jonathan 1 370
MERRITT, John W. 1 371
MERRITT, William A. 1 371
MESTER, Henry Herman 2 1455
MESTER, Julius F. 2 1455
METCALF, Edward P. 2 1455
METCALF, Samuel T. 2 1456
METZ, Irving Wager 2 1457
METZGER, Christian Ernst Julius 2 1457
METZKE, William 2 1458
MEYER, Gottlieb 2 1459
MEYER, Henry C. 2 1460
MEYER, James 2 1460
MEYER, Louis 2 1461
MILLAR, William Johnston 2 1462
MILLER, Francis M. 2 1462
MILLER, Fred H. 2 1463
MILLER, Henry 2 1464
MILLER, Joseph R. 2 1464
MILLER, Michael Clifton 2 1465
MILLER, William Gibson 2 1466
MILLIGAN, Clarence Wilbur 2 1467
MILLS, Charles Francis 2 1467
MINER, LEwis Henry 2 1468
MINER, Orlin H. 1 378
MINER, Smith 2 1468
MISHLER, Phil 2 1469
MITCHELL, John F. 2 1469
MITTS, Edward GRant 2 1470
MOHR, Anthony 2 1470
MONTGOMERY, James Frederick 2 1471
MOORE, Samuel 2 1472
MOORE, William Eaton 2 1472
MORGAN, Michael 2 1472
MORRIS, James F. 2 1473
MORRISON, John W. 2 1474
MORSTATTER, George 2 1474
MORTIMER, C. F. 2 1474
MORTON, Salmon H. 2 1475
MOYER, Charles E. 2 1475
MUELLER, Gerhard Anton 2 1476
MUELLER, Hans Edward 2 1476
MULLIGAN, William Thomas 2 1477
MUNROE, Grafton 2 1478
MURPHY, James 2 1478
MURPHY, Patrick 2 1478
MURRAY, Alexander B. 2 1479
MURRAY, George W. 2 1479
MURRAY, John William 2 1480
MURRAY, Thomas James 2 1480
MYERS, Alvah O., Jr. 2 1481
MYERS, Harry L. 2 1481
NAPIERSKI, August 2 1482
NEAL, Charles Newton 2 1482
NEALE, Thomas M. 1 394
NEEF, Frank 2 1483
NEEF, Frank W. 2 1483
NEER, Catherine 2 1483
NELCH, Adam 2 1484
NETTLETON, William 2 1484
NEU, Jacob 2 1485
NEU, John C. 2 1485
NEUMAN, John 2 1486
NEUMAN, John C. 2 1486
NEVIUS, Joseph O. 2 1487
NEWELL, Claude P. 2 1488
NEWTON, John B. 2 1489
NICOLAY, John George 1 399
NICOLL, Byron William 2 1489
NIESEN, William 2 1490
NISIUS, Peter 2 1490
NOBLE, Theodore 2 1490
NOEL, John 2 1491
NOLAN, Edward 2 1492
NOLAN, John M. 2 1492
NORDMEYEAR, John A. 2 1493
NORTHCOTT, William Allen 2 1493
NORTHCOTT, William A. 1 440
NOTT, Walter Harrison 2 1494
NOTTINGHAM, Walter 2 1494
OBERLY, John H. 1 406
O'BRIEN, Bessie 2 1495
O'BRIEN, Frank Patrick 2 1495
O'BRIEN, John 2 1496
O'BRIEN, Patrick 2 1496
O'BRIEN, Thomas F. 2 1496
O'CONNELL, Cornelius 2 1497
O'CROWLEY, Daniel 2 1497
OGG, Basil W. 2 1498
OGLESBY, Richard J. 2 1498
OLDFIELD, Seth A. 2 1498
O'REILLY, Patrick J. 2 1498
ORENDORFF, Alfred 2 1499
OSBURN, James R. 2 1500
OSENTON, John S. 2 1500
OSTERMEIER, George F. 2 1501
OTT, John 2 1501
OWENS, John William 2 1502
OWENS, Thomas J. 2 1502
PADDOCK, James H. 2 1503
PAGE, Alonzo 2 1504
PAGE, John A. 2 1504
PAHNKE, Bernhard 2 1505
PALMER, George T. 2 1505
PALMER, John McAuley 2 1506
PALMER, John McA. 2 1509
PALMER, John M., Mrs. 2 1509
PANGLE, Sylvester 2 1509
PAPE, Charles Henry 2 1510
PARK, George W. 2 1511
PARKER, Charles Allen 2 1512
PARKER, James 2 1512
PARKES, James 2 1513
PASSENT, John H. 2 1514
PATTERSON, Frank U. 2 1514
PATTERSON, Robert 2 1515
PATTON, Charles Lanphier 2 1515
PAUL, Gabriel 2 1516
PAUL, Henry 2 1516
PAUL, J. Fred 2 1517
PAVEY, Charles W. 1 414
PAYTON, Jesse K. 2 1517
PEARSON, Isaac N. 1 415
PEASE, Shaw 2 1518
PEERCE, John T. 2 1518
PEHLMAN, Michael 2 1519
PHELPS, Harry Emerson 2 1519
PHILIPP, Maximilian 2 1520
PHILLIPS, David L. 1 422
PHILLIPS, Eber 2 1521
PHILLIPS, James Alexander 2 1521
PICKRELL, Jesse A. 2 1522
PILCHER, A. B. 2 1522
pilcher, John, Sr. 2 1523
PIPER, Carl Frederick William 2 1523
PLUMMER, Nathan 2 1524
PLUNKETT, Asa W. 2 1524
PLUNKETT, Cornelius A. 2 1525
PLUNKETT, James Huston 2 1525
PLUNKETT, William F. 2 1526
POEHLMAN, Conrad 2 1527
POGUE, John F. 2 1527
POPE, Obadiah 2 1528
PORTER, Henry C. 2 1528
POWELL, William E. 2 1529
POWER, Charles A. 2 1529
POWER, Charles P. 2 1530
PRICKETT, David 2 1530
PRICKETT, Thomas G. 2 1532
PRICKETT, Charlotte (Griffith), Mrs. 2 1532
PRICKETT, Margaret, Mrs. 2 1533
PRIEST, James A. 2 1534
PRIEST, John W. 2 1534
PROKOPP, Joseph W. 2 1535
PRUITT, Edgar C. 2 1536
PRUNK, Charles J. 2 1536
PUFFINBARGER, Martin 2 1537
PUGH, Jonathan H. 1 435
PURVINES, Achiiles Newton 2 1537
PURVINES, Burton Lee 2 1538
PURVINES, Elijah Alexander 2 1539
PURVINES, Green Lee 2 1540
PURVINES, James O. 2 1541
PUTNAM, Samuel 2 1542
PUTTING, William Fred 2 1542
PYLE, William A. 2 1543
QUINN, Edward 2 1543
QUINN, Patrick Joseph 2 1543
RAAB, Henry 1 438
RACHFORD, Thomas W. 2 1544
RAGAN, Jonathan 2 1544
RAGLAND, Joseph 2 1545
RAHMAN, Herman 2 1545
RAMSEY, Christopher 2 1546
RANKINS, William 2 1546
RAPE, Alfred N. 2 1546
RAPS, George J. 2 1547
RAUCH, John H. 1 441
RAUTH, Joseph Bernard 2 1547
REAVLEY, Jacob Matthias 2 1548
REAVLEY, Robert 2 1548
REAVLEY, Thomas, Sr. 2 1548
RECHNER, August 2 1549
RECHNER, John Joseph 2 1549
RECHNER, William 2 1550
REDMOND, James 2 1550
REED, Charles M. 2 1551
REED, Patrick 2 1552
REES, Thomas 2 1552
REESE, John H. 2 1553
REFINE, Antonio De Frates 2 1553
REGAN, Michael 2 1554
REID, Archibald 2 1554
REID, William Brown 2 1555
REILLY, Thomas W. 2 1555
REISCH, Franz Sales 2 1556
REISH, George 2 1557
RENNE, Thomas P. 2 1558
RENSHAW, George M. 2 1558
RHEA, Edwin L. 2 1559
RHEA, Stephen Edwin 2 1560
RHODES, Clarence M. 2 1561
RICH, Benjain 2 1561
RICHARD, Frank 2 1562
RICHARDSON, Clara Belle 2 1562
RICHARDSON, Thomas B. 2 1562
RICKETTS, Albert L. 2 1563
RIDGELY, Charles 2 1564
RIDGELY, Charles 1 451
RIDGELY, Nicholas H. 1 451
RIDGEWAY, Norman 2 1565
RIEFLER, Charles J. 2 1565
RIEGER, George 2 1566
RIGGINS, William Mitchell 2 1566
RITTER, Nicholas 2 1567
ROACH, John N. 2 1568
ROBERTS, William P. 2 1569
ROBERTSON, Marcus Browning 2 1570
ROBINSON, James C. 2 1571
ROBINSON, John Wesley 2 1571
ROBINSON, Joseph A. 2 1571
ROBINSON, William S. 2 1572
ROBINSON, William T. 2 1572
ROCCHICCIOLI, Charles 2 1573
ROCK, John Francis 2 1573
RODEMS, Charles E. 2 1574
RODERICK, John C. 2 1574
RODERICK, Joseph 2 1575
RODGERS, Alfred 2 1575
RODGERS, John 2 1576
RODGERS, Richard 2 1576
ROE, Edward Reynolds 1 455
ROHRER, Andrew 2 1577
ROKKER, Henry William 2 1577
ROLL, John E. 1 457
ROLLET, Andrew 2 1577
ROOSA, Charles A. 2 1578
ROSE, James A. 1 459
ROSS, David 2 1578
ROSS, Duncan 2 1579
ROSS, Nathan 2 1579
ROURKE, William P. 2 1580
ROUTT, James Jackson 2 1580
ROWLEY, Timothy W. 2 1582
RUDEN, Fred 2 1582
RUMSEY, Aaron 2 1582
RUNKLES, John G. 2 1583
RUNNELS, Jesse 2 1584
RUPP, Philip 2 1584
RUSSELL, James K. P. 2 1585
RUTHERFORD, Newton 2 1585
RUTZ, Edward 1 462
RYAN, Charles James 2 1586
RYAN, Michael 2 1586
SACK, William T. 2 1586
SAGLE, Samuel F. 2 1587
SAMS, Alexander 2 1588
SANDERS, Charles Beverly, Jr. 2 1588
SANDERS, Charles B., Sr. 2 1588
SANDERS, Elisha 2 1590
SANER, Benedict 2 1590
SANNER, John W. 2 1591
SARGEANT, George 2 1591
SARVER, James P. 2 1592
SAUNDERS, Milton 2 1592
SAXER, George 2 1593
SCANLAN, Edmund J. 2 1593
SCANLAN, John J. 2 1593
SCHAAF, Anton 2 1594
SCHAEFFER, Michael 2 1595
SCHAMEL, Albert 2 1595
SCHARF, George Philip 2 1596
SCHEIBNER, John H. 2 1596
SCHEVERS, William David 2 1597
SCHILSKY, John 2 1597
SCHLENKER, Fred J. 2 1598
SCHMIDT, Anton 2 1598
SCHMIDT, Stephen 2 1598
SCHMIENZ, Martin 2 1598
SCHNEIDER, Daniel 2 1599
SCHNEIDER, John 2 1599
SCHNEPP, George 2 1600
SCHNEPP, John S. 2 1600
SHROLL, Edward A. 2 1601
SCHROYER, Moses 2 1601
SCHUCK, J. H. 2 1602
SCHUCHARDT, Frank 2 1602
SCHUESSLER, Constantine 2 1602
SCHULLER, John N. 2 1603
SCOTT, Charles 2 1603
SCOTT, John Hamilton 2 1603
SEARS, John V., Jr. 2 1604
SEARS, William E. 2 1605
SEELEY, Roy M. 2 1605
SELBY, Paul 1 474
SELF, James M. 2 1605
SEMPLE, James A. 2 1606
SEVIER, John W. 2 1607
SEXAUER, Benjamin Franklin 2 1607
SEWARD, Charles Henry 2 1608
SHAFFER, William H. 2 1609
SHANKLAND, John H. 2 1609
SHARP, George 2 1610
SHARTZER, Alfred A. 2 1610
SHARTZER, Atkinson M. 2 1611
SHEEHAN, Thomas 2 1611
SHEEHAN, William Patton 2 1612
SHEPARD, James R. 2 1612
SHEPHERD, Louis Pitner 2 1613
SHEPHERD, Thomas A. 2 1613
SHEPHERD, Thomas B. 2 1614
SHEPHERD, Thomas B. 2 1615
SHERMAN, Lawrence Y. 2 1615
SHERMAN, Lawrence Y. 1 608
SHIELDS, JAmes 1 478
SHIPP, Clark, Brahm 2 1616
SHOCKLEY, Uel Hickman 2 1616
SHOUP, Samuel 2 1616
SHROYER, Abel 2 1617
SHUMATE, Hiram H. 2 1617
SHUMWAY, Hiram P. 1 480
SIDENER, George P., Jr. 2 1618
SIDENER, Richard Allen 2 1618
SIEBERT, Gustav A. 2 1619
SIMON, John S., Prof. 2 1619
SIMPSON, James Wickliff 2 1620
SIMPSON, William R. 2 1621
SIMS, David Hudson 2 1621
SIMS, George Washington 2 1622
SIMS, James 1 481
SIMS, James P. 2 1622
SIMS, John O. 2 1622
SIX, H. A. 2 1623
SLADE, James P. 1 482
SMELLEY, William F. 2 1624
SMITH, Albert 2 1624
SMITH, Andrew V. 2 1625
SMITH, Charles Harvey 2 1625
SMITH, DeWitt Wickliffe 2 1625
SMITH, Edward William 2 1627
SMITH, Elbert S. 2 1628
SMITH, George 2 1628
SMITH, George H. 2 1629
SMITH, George W. 1 485
SMITH, Gustavus Adolphus 1 486
SMITH, J. Emil 2 1629
SMITH, John 2 1629
SMITH, John Corson 1 486
SMITH, John Taylor 2 1630
SMITH, Richard B. 2 1631
SMITH, Richard C. 2 1631
SMITH, Samuel A. 2 1632
SMITH, Sherman T. 2 1633
SMITH, Sylvester B. 2 1634
SNIVELY, Ethan A. 2 1634
SNODGRASS, Nelson 2 1635
SNODGRASS, William Henry Harrison 2 1635
SONGER, Lydia M., Mrs. 2 1636
SOUTHER, Nannie (Latham), Mrs. 2 1636
SPARKS, Elijah 2 1636
SPEED, Joshua Fry 1 495
SPIES, Gustavus 2 1637
SPIKRE, Noah A. 2 1637
SPINDEL, Eugene F. 2 1638
SPRINGER, Francis 1 495
SPRINGER, Frank S. 2 1638
SPRINGER, William M. 2 1639
STARK, Hardin B. 2 1640
STARKWEATHER, Daniel H. 2 1640
STARNE, Alexander 1 503
STEIN, Adam 2 1641
STEPHENS, Henry C. 2 1642
STEPHENSON, Benjamin Franklin 1 507
STEWART, Theodore A. 2 1642
STICKEL, Alexander Wesley 2 1643
STICKLEY, Henry H. 2 1643
STIEREN, William 2 1644
STILLMAN, Stephen 1 508
STOCKDALE, Wallace Tappen 2 1644
STOGDELL, George W. 2 1645
STONE, Daniel 1 509
STONE, George L. 2 1645
STOUT, Joah P. 2 1646
STOUT, Philemon 2 1647
STOUT, Samuel J. 2 1647
STOUT, SAmuel Philemon 2 1648
STREET, Joseph M. 1 511
STRICKLETT, John G. 2 1649
STUART, John Todd 1 511
SUTTILL, John 2 1650
SUTTON, Francis M. 2 1651
SWEENEY, Arthur T. 2 1651
SWIGART, Charles Philip 2 515
TACKETT, Jesse 2 1652
TALBOTT, W. A. 2 1652
TANNER, John R. 1 518
TARBET, William L. 2 1652
TAYLOR, A. J. 2 1653
TAYLOR, Edmund Dick 1 519
TAYLOR Family, The 2 1654
TAYLOR, Francis 2 1655
TAYLOR, Francis L. 2 1656
TAYLOR, John Edward 2 1656
TAYLOR, Lewis Cass 2 1657
TAYLOR, Robert R. 2 1657
TAYLOR, William Biddle 2 1657
TEATER, Terrence B. 2 1658
TEMPLEMAN, James W. 2 1659
TERRENT, Michael J. 2 1659
THAYER, Edward Raymore 2 1660
THOMA, Frank 2 1660
THOMA, Hugo 2 1661
THOMAS, Jesse Burgess, Jr. 1 521
THOMPSON, Franklin C. 2 1661
THOMPSON, Stanton H. 2 1662
TILLEY, John 2 1662
TINCORE, John B. 2 1663
TOBIN, John 2 1663
TOBIN, Samuel A. 2 1664
TODD, John 1 524
TODD, John H. 2 1664
TOLTZMAN, John 2 1665
TOMLIN, Edwin 2 1665
TOMLIN, Jacob F. 2 1666
TOMLINSON, Elizabeth Ellen 2 1666
TOMLINSON, William D. 2 1667
TOWNSEND, Pleasant E. 2 1667
TRAPP, Henry 2 1668
TREAT, Samuel Hubbel 1 528
TRIMBLE, James A. 2 1668
TRIMBLE, Nelson 2 1668
TRIMBLE, Samuel Edward 2 1669
TRIMBLE, William H. 2 1669
TROXELL, W. Staley 2 1670
TRUMBO, Charles Wesley 2 1670
TRUMBULL, Lyman 1 529
TULLY, Andrew 2 1671
TURLEY, Thomas J. 2 1672
TURNER, Alfred B. 2 1672
TURNER, William P. 2 1673
TWIGG, Obadiah 2 1673
TYNDALE, Sharon 2 1674
VANCIL, Burke2 2 1674
VANCIL, William M. 2 1675
VANDAWALKER, Charles 2 1676
VAN DEREN, David MKee 2 1677
VAN DEVENTER, Charles Edgar 2 1679
VAN HORN, Frederick 2 1680
VAN METER, James Benjamin 2 1680
VAN NATTAN, Norman A. 2 1681
VAN NATTAN, Thomas 2 1681
VANNEMAN, Theodore 2 1681
VETTER, John 2 1682
VINCENT, Oscar 2 1683
VINEY, William A. 2 1683
VLIET, Joseph 2 1683
VON HOF, Nicholas 2 1684
VOSE, John, Sr. 2 1684
VREDENBURGH, Peter 2 1685
WADE 2 1686
WADSWORTH, John T. 2 1687
WAKEFIELD, Samuel O. 2 1687
WALDRON, James 2 1687
WALKER, Andrw 2 1688
WALKER, Benjamin Franklin 2 1689
WALKER,Norton A. 2 1689
WALLACE, Joseph 2 1690
WALLACE, Peter 1 548
WALLACE, William W. 2 1690
WALSH, Harry T. 2 1691
WALSH, Michael 2 1691
WARD, Jeremiah 2 1692
WARREN, Hooper 1 577
WATERS, Daniel 2 1692
WATERS, James J. 2 1693
WATSON, George Talbott 2 1693
WATTS, Benjamin 2 1693
WATTS, James Bates 2 1694
WEAVER, Jacob 2 1694
WEAVER, John B. 2 1695
WEAVER, Samuel R. 2 1695
WEAVER, William H. 2 1696
WEBER, Charles E. 2 1696
WEBER, Charles Eldridge 2 1697
WEBER, Eli 2 1697
WEBER, William Shepherd 2 1698
WEBSTER, Stephen 2 1699
WEHRLE, August 2 1700
WEHRMAN, Henry 2 1700
WEICE, George 2 1701
WEISZ, John 2 1701
WELCH, Abednego R. 2 1701
WELCH, George Merritt 2 1702
WELDON, Lawrence 1 582
WELLS, Richard R. 2 1703
WELSH, John V. 2 1703
WELSH, Patrick 2 1704
WENNEBORG, Henry 2 1704
WENNEBORG, Otto 2 1704
WERNER, Charles 2 1705
WERNER, Charles, Sr. 2 1705
WERNER, Joseph 2 1705
WESTENBERGER, George 2 1706
WHALEN, James William 2 1706
WHEELER, William R. 2 1707
WHIPPLE, John H. 2 1707
WHIPPLE, Sylvester 2 1708
WHITE, Daniel V. 2 1708
WHITE, Enoch P. 2 1709
WHITE, Frank 2 1710
WHITE, Gill Porter 2 1710
WHITE, Henry 2 1711
WHITE, James C. 2 1712
WHITE, Robert E. 2 1712
WHITECRAFT, Walter S. 2 1713
WHITMORE, Oliver 2 1713
WHITTEMORE, Floyd K. 1 587
WICKERSHAM. Dudley 1 587
WICKHA, Seth W. 2 1714
WIEBORG, George 2 1714
WIEDLOCHER, Frank 2 1715
WIETIES, Jeff 2 1716
WILCOX, Ellis 2 1716
WILCOS, J. L. 2 1717
WILCOX, Thomas Moore 2 1718
WILEY, Lewis D. 2 1718
WILKINSON, Reuben 2 1720
WILLARD, Samuel 1 590
WILLIAMS, George W. 2 1720
WILLIAMS, Henry H. 2 1721
WILLIAMS, Jacob 2 1721
WILLIAMS, John 2 1722
WILLIAMS, John 2 1722
WILLIAMS, John 1 591
WILLIAMS, Joseph 2 1724
WILLIAMS, Milton 2 1724
WILLIS, Claude Joseph 2 1725
WILLS, Ross Martin 2 1726
WILSON, Edwin A. 2 1728
WILSON, Harry W. 2 1729
WILSON, Henry C. 2 1730
WILSON, James 2 1730
WILSON, John T. 2 1730
WILSON, Thomas W. 2 1731
WILSON, Thomas Witcher 2 1731
WINDSOR, William 2 1732
WINES, Frederick H. 1 595
WININGS, Samuel L. 2 1732
WINN, Robert Lee 2 1733
WINTER, William E. 2 1733
WIRTH, Conrad 2 1733
WOMACK, Presley Barry 2 1734
WOOD, John 1 598
WOODCOCK, John R. 2 1734
WOODCOCK, William 2 1735
WOODING, Daniel James 2 1735
WOODMANSEE, Robert E. 2 1736
WOODRUFF, Cornelius 2 1736
WOODRUFF, Marion U. 2 1737
WOODS, Robert Mann 1 598
WOODWARD, Joseph R. 2 1737
WOOLARY, Emmer 2 1738
WORKMAN, Alfred C. 2 1738
WORKMAN, Esau 2 1739
WORKMAN, Isaac 2 1739
WORKMAN, John 2 1740
WORKMAN, Mayhew 2 1741
WORKMAN, Melvin 2 1741
WORKMAN, Samuel J. 2 1742
WORKMAN, Stephen 2 1742
WORKMAN, William H. 2 1743
WORTHEN, Amos H. 2 1744
WRIGHT, John W. 2 1744
WRIGHT, Thomas 2 1744
WRIGHT, Thomas B. 2 1745
WYANT, Perry Oliver 2 1745
WYATT, Charles E. 2 1746
WYATT, William J. 2 1746
YATES, Henry 1 603
YATES, Henry, Jr. 1 603
YATES, Richard 1 603
YOCOM, William J. 2 1747
YOUNG, Benjamin F. 2 1747
YOUNG, George H. 2 1748
YOUNG, George W. 2 1749
YOUNG, James 2 1749
YOUNG, John J. 2 1750
YOUNG, Joseph 2 1750
YOUNG, Nicholas 2 1750
YOUNG, Silas J. 2 1751
YOUNG, William H. 2 1751
YOUNGER, John F. 2 1752
ZACHARIAS, Antonio de FRATES 2 1752
ZANE, Charles S. 1 604
ZANE, Robert H. 2 1752
ZIMMERMAN, Joseph 2 1753
ZIMMERMANN, John 2 1753
ZOMBRO, John Q. A. 2 1754
ZORN, Henry 2 1755
ZUCKSWERTH, Henry 2 1755






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