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Orange County, Virginia
History & Genealogy

1793 - 1795
Extracted from 1918 Virginia Register


1795 Adams, Elisha Smith, Delia
1795 Adams, Mary Tandy, Roger
1793 Alexander, Elizabeth Page, William
1795 Atkins, Rhoda Bell, William
1795 Boswell, Charles Thompson, Lucy
1795 Barbour, James Johnson, Lucy
1793 Beech, Bailey Vaughn, Nancy
1793 Bell, Patrick Quisenbery, Patty
1795 Bell, Thomas Burnley, Sally
1795 Bell, William Atkins, Rhoda
1794 Bickers, Wm. Leathers, Sally
1793 Bishop, Joseph Terrell, Jane
1795 Blackerby, Thadeus Marshall, Jane
1793 Boston, Elizabeth Waugh, George
1793 Boston, John Petty, Frankey
1795 Bridgers, Nathan Row, Mary
1793 Brockman, Amelia Brockman, Andrew
1793 Brockman, Andrew Brockman, Amelia
1795 Brockman, Elijah Tomlin, Sally
1793 Brooks, Susanna McDaniel, Derenzey
1795 Bruce, Elizabeth Williams, James
1793 Bryant, Edward Hambleton, Polly
1794 Buckner, Baldwin Burton, Fanny
1793 Burnley, Mary Shepherd, Alexander
1795 Burnley, Sally Bell, Thomas
1794 Burton, Fanny Buckner, Baldwin
1793 Burton, Lucy Collins, James
1793 Carter, Catherine Porter, John
1795 Cason, William Thompson, Mary
1794 Cave, Benjamin White, Elizabeth
1793 Chambers, Rebecca Terrell, James
1794 Chandler, Joseph Homes, Nancy
1794 Clark, John Powell, Winny
1793 Clark, Mary Wells, Thomas
1795 Clarney, Robert Morris, Sarah
1794 Clayton, Philip Stubblefield, Elizabeth Hackley
1794 Cogswell, Isaac Gillock, Sally
1794 Coleman, John Drasley, Elizabeth
1793 Coleman, Molly Morris, Reuben
1793 Coleman, Nancy Faulconer, George
1794 Collins, Francis Dohony, Piggy
1793 Collins, James Burton, Lucy
1794 Collins, Margaret Robinson, Wm.
1794 Collins, Mary Landrum, John
1794 Cowherd, Reuben Woolfolk, Frances
1794 Cullins, Geo. Mitchell, Elizabeth
1793 Daniel, Cornelius O. Plunkett, Peggy - widow
1794 Darnell, Thomas Ehart, Elizabeth
1793 Davis, Elizabeth Goodall, David
1795 Dawson, John Pollard, Nancy
1793 Dedman, Mary Hudson, John
1793 Deering, Susannah Foster, John
1794 Dohony, Piggy Collins, Francis
1794 Drasley, Elizabeth Coleman, John
1793 Durrett, Betsey Hubbard, Cater
1793 Ehart, Abram Kirk, Judith
1794 Ehart, Elizabeth Darnell, Thomas
1794 Ewins, Nanky - widow Tatam, Thos.
1794 Falconer, David Grady, Sarah
1794 Falconer, James Sisson, Milly
1793 Faulconer, George Coleman, Nancy
1795 Faulconer, John Morrison, Margaret
1794 Finnell, Geo. Lawson, Sally
1794 Finney, Fanny Mahoney, Dan'l.
1793 Fleek, Andrew Lower, Rachel
1794 Foster, Haskew Snell, Caty
1793 Foster, John Deering, Susannah
1795 Foster, Nancy Payne, William
1793 Foster, William Hawkins, Tabithia
1795 Gaines, Disey Stevens, James
1793 Gaines, Jinny Gaines, Jonadab
1793 Gaines, Jonadab Gaines, Jinny
1795 Garde, William Yates, Mary
1793 George, William Hawkins, Lucy
1795 Gibson, Susannah H. Taylor, William
1795 Gillaspy, John Goodridge, Betsy
1794 Gillock, Sally Cogswell, Isaac
1793 Goodall, David Davis, Elizabeth
1795 Goodridge, Betsy Gillaspy, John
1793 Goore, John, Jr. Grace, Gracey
1793 Grace, Gracey Goore, John, Jr.
1795 Grady, Franky Young, John
1794 Grady, Sarah Falconer, David
1794 Graves, Joel Graves, Susan
1794 Graves, Susan Graves, Joel
1795 Graves, Susannah Morris, George
1793 Griffy, Abell Sutton, Catherine
1793 Hambleton, Edward Reppeto, Elizabeth
1793 Hambleton, Polly Bryant, Edward
1793 Hawkins, Lucy George, William
1793 Hawkins, Tabithia Foster, William
1794 Head, Henry Sanford, Elizabeth
1795 Heak, Andrew Rhoads, Franky
1793 Henry, William Warren, Elizabeth - widow
1794 Herndon, Sally Pollard, Edmund
1793 Highlander, Mary Webster, George
1795 Hilman, Sally Homes, Joseph
1794 Holiday, Sally Shackleford, Edmund
1795 Homes, Joseph Hilman, Sally
1794 Homes, Nancy Chandler, Joseph
1793 Howard, Charles P. Taylor, Jane
1793 Hubbard, Cater Durrett, Betsey
1793 Hudson, John Dedman, Mary
1794 Hundley, John Lloyd, Nancy
1795 Hutchinson, William Robinson, Siler
1793 Jarrell, James Sims, Frances
1795 Johnson, Isaac Terrell, Elizabeth
1795 Johnson, Lucy Barbour, James
1793 Kirk, Judith Ehart, Abram
1793 Lamb, Franky Ogg, William
1794 Lancaster, Henry Wright, Mary
1794 Landrum, John Collins, Mary
1794 Lawson, Sally Finnell, Geo.
1794 Leathers, Sally Bickers, Wm.
1793 Leavit, Sidney - widow Powell, Ptolemy
1794 Lewis, James Watkins, Nancy
1793 Lindsay, Suckey Payne, John
1794 Lloyd, Nancy Hundley, John
1793 Lower, Rachel Fleek, Andrew
1793 Loyd, John Montague, Nancy
1795 Lucas, Elizabeth Pence, John
1794 Lucas, Molly Mitchell, Henry
1793 Lucas, Rachel Martin, Price
1794 Mahoney, Dan'l. Finney, Fanny
1795 Marshall, Jane Blackerby, Thadeus
1793 Martin, Price Lucas, Rachel
1795 Mason, James Oaks, Nancy
1795 McChamrock, Martha Smoot, Caleb
1793 McDaniel, Derenzey Brooks, Susanna
1795 McNeale, Jeane Thompson, William T.
1794 Miller, Caty Terrell, John
1794 Miller, Robt. Plunkett, Sarah
1794 Mitchell, Elizabeth Cullins, Geo.
1794 Mitchell, Henry Lucas, Molly
1793 Montague, Nancy Loyd, John
1795 Moore, Frances Taylor, James, jr.
1793 Moore, Robert Spencer, Elizabeth Gaines
1795 Morris, George Graves, Susannah
1793 Morris, Reuben Coleman, Molly
1795 Morris, Sarah Clarney, Robert
1795 Morrison, Margaret Faulconer, John
1793 Morton, Jane Terrell, William, jr.
1793 Neale, Catey - widow Paul, Jacob
1795 Oaks, Lucy Terry, John
1795 Oaks, Nancy Mason, James
1793 Ogg, William Lamb, Franky
1793 Page, William Alexander, Elizabeth
1793 Paul, Jacob Neale, Catey - widow
1793 Payne, John Lindsay, Suckey
1793 Payne, Milley Stevenson, John
1795 Payne, William Foster, Nancy
1793 Pearson, Tabatha Rhoads, John
1795 Pence, John Lucas, Elizabeth
1793 Petty, Frankey Boston, John
1795 Pierson, Elizabeth Taylor, John
1793 Plunkett, Peggy - widow Daniel, Cornelius O.
1794 Plunkett, Sarah Miller, Robt.
1794 Pollard, Edmund Herndon, Sally
1795 Pollard, Nancy Dawson, John
1793 Pollock, Elizabeth Rothrock, George
1793 Porter, John Carter, Catherine
1793 Porter, Nancy Shepherd, George
1793 Powell, Lewis G. Powell, Sally
1795 Powell, Lucretia Shifflett, Pickett
1793 Powell, Ptolemy Leavit, Sidney - widow
1793 Powell, Sally Powell, Lewis G.
1794 Powell, Winny Clark, John
1793 Quisenbery, Patty Bell, Patrick
1793 Reppeto, Elizabeth Hambleton, Edward
1793 Reynolds, Fennetta Wells, James
1795 Rhoads, Franky Heak, Andrew
1793 Rhoads, John Pearson, Tabatha
1793 Rhodes, Richard Wright, Lucy
1795 Riddle, Fielding Waits, Milly
1794 Roberts, John White, Nancy
1795 Robinson, Siler Hutchinson, William
1794 Robinson, Wm. Collins, Margaret
1795 Rogers, Sally Williams, Francis
1793 Roszel, Delphea Stockdell, William
1793 Rothrock, George Pollock, Elizabeth
1795 Row, Mary Bridgers, Nathan
1794 Rucker, Wm. Taliferro, Caty T.
1795 Sanders, Sary Shadwick, Thomas
1794 Sanford, Elizabeth Head, Henry
1794 Shackleford, Edmund Holiday, Sally
1795 Shadwick, Thomas Sanders, Sary
1793 Shepherd, Alexander Burnley, Mary
1793 Shepherd, George Porter, Nancy
1795 Shifflett, Pickett Powell, Lucretia
1793 Sims, Frances Jarrell, James
1795 Sims, Polly Walker, Benjamin
1794 Sisson, Milly Falconer, James
1795 Smith, Delia Adams, Elisha
1795 Smoot, Caleb McChamrock, Martha
1793 Smoth, Dolley Thomas, Robert
1794 Snell, Caty Foster, Haskew
1793 Spencer, Elizabeth Gaines Moore, Robert
1794 Spotswood, Mary Voss, Nicholas
1795 Stevens, James Gaines, Disey
1793 Stevenson, John Payne, Milley
1793 Stockdell, William Roszel, Delphea
1794 Stubblefield, Elizabeth Hackley Clayton, Philip
1793 Sutton, Catherine Griffy, Abell
1794 Taliferro, Caty T. Rucker, Wm.
1795 Tandy, Roger Adams, Mary
1794 Tatam, Thos. Ewins, Nanky - widow
1795 Taylor, Elisha Walker, Delia
1795 Taylor, James, jr. Moore, Frances
1793 Taylor, Jane Howard, Charles P.
1795 Taylor, John Pierson, Elizabeth
1795 Taylor, William Gibson, Susannah H.
1793 Terman, Willy Wood, Hopewell
1795 Terrell, Elizabeth Johnson, Isaac
1795 Terrell, George Wolf, Polly
1793 Terrell, James Chambers, Rebecca
1793 Terrell, Jane Bishop, Joseph
1794 Terrell, John Miller, Caty
1793 Terrell, William, jr. Morton, Jane
1795 Terry, John Oaks, Lucy
1793 Thomas, Robert Smoth, Dolley
1795 Thompson, Lucy Boswell, Charles
1795 Thompson, Mary Cason, William
1795 Thompson, William T. McNeale, Jeane
1795 Tomlin, Sally Brockman, Elijah
1793 Vaughn, Nancy Beech, Bailey
1794 Voss, Nicholas Spotswood, Mary
1795 Waits, Milly Riddle, Fielding
1795 Walker, Benjamin Sims, Polly
1795 Walker, Delia Taylor, Elisha
1793 Warren, Elizabeth - widow Henry, William
1794 Watkins, Nancy Lewis, James
1793 Waugh, George Boston, Elizabeth
1793 Webster, George Highlander, Mary
1793 Wells, James Reynolds, Fennetta
1793 Wells, Thomas Clark, Mary
1794 White, Elizabeth Cave, Benjamin
1794 White, Nancy Roberts, John
1795 Williams, Francis Rogers, Sally
1795 Williams, James Bruce, Elizabeth
1795 Wolf, Polly Terrell, George
1793 Wood, Hopewell Terman, Willy
1794 Woolfolk, Frances Cowherd, Reuben
1793 Wright, Lucy Rhodes, Richard
1794 Wright, Mary Lancaster, Henry
1795 Yates, Mary Garde, William
1795 Young, John Grady, Franky

County Courthouse
P. O. BOX 111
Orange, Va.  22960-0800
Phone: (540) 672-3313
Fax: (540) 672-1679

This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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