Forward .........................
Page v
Believe It Or Not - Hints.............. Page
Memoriam ...................... Page viii
Contents ...................... Page
......................Page xi
Biographies (Alphabetically Arranged)
...... Page 14
biographical data concerning prominent
persons of African descent who were living
at the time of compilation and whose
position or record of achievement makes them
of general interest. An exception will
be made of persons who died since the last
edition. They will be included once
more to show the completion of that Life
Story. One line will be placed at the
bottom of their sketch showing the date of
death. A Memoriam Page in the front of
the book will show who they are.
It is our aim to publish these editions every two
years. The First Edition was published
in 1927. The Second (1928-1929); The
Third (1930-1931-1932). The Fourth
(1933-1937). The Fifth Edition
(1938-1939-1940). And this Sixth
Eligibility has been based on achievement, due latitude
being allowed those persons whose efforts
show promise of future accomplishment or
who, by reason of establishing a precedent
in some particular work, make it arbitrary
that a record be made of the fact.
It is doubtless true that the fitness of every name
included will not be apparent to every user
of this book. The artist, the possesssor
of literary tastes, the scientist, etc., may
miss names of their certain professions.
It is a fact that we use every endeavor to
get this information to make the book useful
in the highest degree. An invitation
is extended for the suggestions of new
Realizing that a record like WHO'S WHO IN COLORED
AMERICA would not be representative without
the inclusion of some of the many persons
who are achieving success, but are unknown,
the Publisher personally traveled for many
months, visiting many states, cities and
towns, and interviewed many persons.
From among these were selected outstanding
characters whose sketches are herein
Criticism may be passed on the fact that more of the
careers refer specifically to professional
persons. This is answered by the
statement that professional persons, having
had the opportunity of interracial contact,
realize the value of a record of this kind
as a means to a better understanding between
peoples, and are, therefore, not so
reticent, when approached, as many others
have shown themselves to be.
Reasons should be advanced for some of the omissions
from this edition of sketches which were
included in former editions. It is
because repeated requests for revision and
verification was not forthcoming, and
present addresses could not be ascertained.
The sketches have been edited from an impartial point
of view. No particular group,
denominated, political, or otherwise, has in
any influenced the policy under which the
work has been compiled. Not a single
sketch has been paid for. No
Page vi. -
has or can secure inclusion of a sketch of
his life-career by the payment of money.
The length of the sketch does not necessarily indicate
a person's position in national or local
affairs. The life history of one may,
by reason of his varied interests in
religious, fraternal, political or civic
activities, take up more space in the book,
than another representing a few outstanding
A number of photographic reproductions have been made
part of this work. The inclusion of
the photograph was optional with the subject
of the sketch.
WHO'S WHO IN COLORED AMERICA is intended to be a
reference book, and should be in every
Public Library, Public School, State Capitol
Library, College, Newspaper Office, the
offices of professional and business
persons, and in private homes. It is a
source of exact information for the teacher
and student for its historical value, as it
contains the Life Stories of persons who are
worthy of inclusion in standard histories,
Bank and Insurance Company Presidents,
Educators, Presidents, Deans and officials
of Universities, Colleges and Institutions,
conducted directly or indirectly by and for
members of the Colored Race; members of the
medical profession; attorneys-at-law, and
outstanding persons in political life;
successful merchants; artists, and authors,
editorial writers; the clergy; executive
secretaries of organizations and persons
engaged in social work.
This volume is offered to persons of the Colored Race,
that they may have for themselves and their
children a historical record for racial
self-respect and inspiration. It is
offered to the people of the United States
as an authentic and dependable statement of



Acad. - Academy,
Adv. - Advertising
A. E. F. - American
Expeditionary Forces
Agri. - Agriculture
Agril. - Agricultural
Ala. - Alabama
Am. - American
Am. Med. Assn. - American
Medical Association
A.M.E. - African Methodist
A. M. E. Z. - African Methodist
Episcopal Zion
Anat. - Anatomical
Anthrop. - Anthropological
Antiq. - Antiquarian
Apptd. - Appointed
Archaeol. - Archaeological
Archti. - Architectural
Ark. - Arkansas
Assn. - Association
Asso. - Associate, Associated
Asst. - Assistant
Actron. - Astronomical
Astrophys. - Astrophysical
Atty. - Attorney
Auth. - Author
Ave. - Avenue
b. - Born
B. A. (also A. B.) - Bachelor of
B. Agr. - Bachelor of
Bapt. - Baptist
Bd. - Board
B. D. - Bachelor of Divinity
B. F. A. - Bachelor of Fine Arts
Biog. - Biographical
Biol. - Biological
B. L. (or Litt.B) - Bachelor of
Bldg. - Building
B.L.S. - Bachelor of Library
B. Pd. (or Pd. B.) - Bachelor of
B.S. also S.B. or Sc.B.) -
Bachelor of Science
Bus. - Business
B.W.I. - British West Indies
Cal. -
Capt. - Captain
c/o - Care of
C.E. - Civil Engineer
Ch. - Church
Chem. - Chemical
Chem. E - Chemical Engineer
Chirurg. - Chirurgical
Chmn. - Chairman
Clin. - Clinical
C.M. - Master in Surgery
C.M.E. - Colored Methodist
Co. - Company, County
Col. - College
Colo. - Colorado
Com. or Comm. - Committee,
Congi - Congregationalist.
Contr. - Contributor
Conn. - Connecticut
Corp. - Corporation
C.P.A. - Certified Public
d. - Daughter
D.C. - District of Columbia
D.C.L. - Doctor of Civil Law
D.D. - Doctor of Divinity
D.D.S. - Doctor of Dental
Dem. - Democrat
Dept. - Department
Dermatol. - Dermatological
Dir. - Director
Dist. - District
D.Litt. (also L. H. D.) - Doctor
of Literature
D.Eco. - Doctor of Economics
Dr. - Doctor
E. - East
Eccles. - Ecclesiastical
Ed. - Editor
Educ. - Education
E.E. - Electrical Engineer
Entomol. - Entomological
Ethnol. - Ethnological
Evan. - Evangelical
F. & A.M. -
Free and Accepted Order of
Fla. - Florida
Frat. - Fraternity
Ga. - Georgia
G.A.R. - Grand Army of the
Geneal. - Genealogical
Geod. - Geodetic
Geog. - Geographical, geographic
Geol. - Geological.
Gov. - Governor.
Govt. - Government
G.U.O. of O. F. - Odd Fellows
Hon. -
Honorary, Honorable, Honorably.
Hort. - Horticultural
Hosp. - Hospital
I.B.P.O.E. of
W. - Independent Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks of the
I. O. St. Luke - Independent
Order of St. Luke
Ill. - Illinois
Inc. - Incorporated
Ind. - Industrial, Indiana
Ins. - Insurance
Int. - Intermediate
Insp. - Inspector
Inst. - Institute
Instru. - Instruction
Instr. - Instructor
Ia. - Iowa
J.D. or J. S.
D. - Doctor of Jurisprudence
Jour. - Journal
Jud. - Judicial
K. of P. -
Knights of Pythias
K.T. - Knights Templar
Ky. - Kentucky
La. -
Lab. - Laboratory
Lang. - Language
L.I. - Long Island
Lit. - Literary, Literature
Litt. B. (or B. L.) - Bachelor
of Letters
Litt. D. - Doctor of Letters
LL.B. - Bachelor of Laws
LL.D. - Doctor of Laws
LL.M. (or M.L.) - Master of Laws
m. - Married
M.A. (or A.M.) - Master of Arts
Maj. - Major |
Mass. -
Math. - Mathematics
M.B. - Bachelor of Medicine
M.Cp. - Master of Chiropody
Md. - Maryland
M.D. - Doctor of Medicine
M.E. - Methodist Episcopal
Med. - Medical
Med.R.C. - Medical Reserve Corps
Mem. - Member
Meth. - Methodist
Metrol. Meteorological
Mgr. - Manager
Mich. - Michigan
Minn. - Minnesota
Miss. - Mississippi
M.L. (or LL.M.) - Master of Laws
M.Litt - Master of Literature.
Mlle. - Mademoiselle (Miss)
Mme. - Madame.
Mo. - Missouri.
M.P. - Methodist Protestant
M.Pd. - Master of Pedagogy
M.R.C. - Medical Reserve Corps.
M.S. (or M.Sc.) - Master of
Mt. - Mount.
Mus.B. - Bachelor of Music.
Mus.D. (or Mus. Doc.) - Doctor
of Music
N. - North.
Nat. - National
Nat. Med. Assn. - National
Medical Association
N. A. A. C. P. - National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People.
N.C. - North Carolina
N.E. - Northeast
N.G. - National Guard
N.J. - New Jersey
N.Y. - New York
Nor. - Normal
Obstet. -
O.E.S. - Order of Eastern Star.
Okla. - Oklahoma
Opthal. - Opthalmological
Ornithol. - Ornithological.
Otol. - Otological
Path. -
Pd.D. - Doctor of Pedagogy
Pd.M. - Master of Pedagogy
P.E. - Protestant Episcopal
Penn. - Pennsylvania
Pharm. - Pharmaceutical
Pharm. D. - Doctor of Pharmacy.
Pharm.M. - Master of Pharmacy.
Ph.B. - Bachelor of Philosophy.
Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy
Ph.G. - Graduate in Pharmacy.
Philol. - Philological
Philos. - Philosophical
Phys. - Physician, Physical
Phys. - Physician, Physical.
Phys. and Surgs. - Physicians
and Surgeons.
Physiol. - Physiological.
Pl. - Place
P.O. - Post-office
Pol. - Politics
Poly. - Polytechnic.
Prep. - Preparatory.
Pres. - President.
Presbyn - Presbyterian.
Pron. - Principal.
Prof. - Professor, Professional.
Progr. - Proprietor.
Pros. Atty. - Prosecuting
Psychiat. - Psychiatrically
Psychol. - Psychological
Pub. - Public, Publisher,
Publishing, Published.
Publ. - Publication
Rd. - Road
Relig - Religion
R.F.D. - Rural Free Delivery
Rep. - Republican
Rev. - Reverend, Review
Rhinol - Rholological
R.I. - Rhode Island
Ry. - Railway
Rentgenol - Rontgenological
R.R. - Railroad
s. - son
S. - South
S.A. - South America
S.B. (also E.S. or SeB.) -
Bachelor of Science
S.C. - South Carolina
Sch. - School
Sci. - Science, Scientific
Sec. - Secretary
Sem. - Seminary
Sec. - Society
Sociol. - Sociological
S.S. - Sunday School
St. - Saint, Street.
Sta. - Station.
Statis. - Statistical.
S.T.B. - Bachelor of Sacred
S.T.D. - Doctor of Sacred
S.T.L. - Licentiate on Sacred
Supt. - Superintendent
Surg. - Surgical, Surgeon
Tech. -
Technical, Technology.
Technol. - Technological.
Tenn. - Tennessee
Th. D. - Doctor of Theology
Theol. - Theological.
Th. M. - Master of Theology
Topog. - Topographical
Tr. - Training
Treas. - Treasurer
U.E.F. -
United Brotherhood of
Univ. - University
Urol. - Urological
U.S. - United States.
U.S.A. - United States Army
U.N.I.A. - Universal Negro
Improvement Association
Va. - Virginia
Vet. - Veteran, Veterinary
Vice-Pres. - Vice-President
Vs. - Versus
W. - West
W.Va. - West Virginia
Y.M.C.A. -
Young Men's Christian
Y.W.C.A. - Young Women's
Christian Association.